Chapter 58

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Trapping Jace's blade in a lock move, Bucky noticed a spot the nephilim left wide open. He tapped one of Alex's seraph blades against the side of his waist, gesturing the open space and bringing attention to the mistake he made. Jace glanced down and with a shake of his head, exhaled. Bucky moved back then cut along the nephilim's blade as he sliced it through the air in retraction.

Two weeks had passed since Jaces arrival at the compound and since then, Alex taught Bucky how to use her blades. Not that it took much effort, the man was a quick study. He used them as if he'd been born to. Which was comforting because it only confirmed even more that he was her soulmate. The way he said her homeland's words so naturally, without struggle. The way he used her blades. Everything he did was as if his soul had been a shadowhunter at some point in its existence.

Tony suggested the team train vigorously everyday. So they all took turns, one on one, it became a sort of roulette that was fun to partake in. He wanted everyone to be on their absolute best because they couldn't afford any more mistakes or failures. They'd had enough.

While Alex helped her brother in his lab, Bucky and Jace trained together, it was going well till they made it a competition of who could surrender first. Neither of them wanted too. It resulted in constant blade clashes. When one turned trying to break free, the other turned to meet them.

"Wouldn't of pegged you for a sword guy." Jace taunted, parrying. Bucky snorted, circling one blade with his wrist. 

"I'm skilled at many weapons, angel boy. Want to try hand to hand?"

Jace arched a brow. "I thought you'd never ask, Sergeant." He smirked, sarcasm laced his tone in the use of the title, it made Bucky narrow his gaze. Both took ample steps backwards and tossed their weapons safely aside then began circling each other with assessing eyes. They closed the distance throwing some punches which neither managed to land.

"Maybe you should work on your combat skills," Jace spat, dropping low in an attempt to swipe Bucky's legs but he jumped and avoided the move.

While Jace advanced, Bucky side stepped and lurched backwards, knocking Jace's arm aside. His leg came up landing a blow to the side of the nephilim's ribs. Jace slid, staggering backwards on his feet with a muffled gasp. He bent forwards slightly with a hand placed against his ribs. The rune magic worked to heal the burning pain from the hit. And it wasn't a gentle hit. There was something behind it. Not that Jace couldn't take a hit, he could, he'd been dishing them out for the past two hours, but that hit seemed personal.

"There's nothing wrong with my combat skills," Bucky said, a devilish smirk on his face. And reacting quicker than Jace could see coming, he moved so fast, so swiftly, striking his legs with a swipe of his own. Jace crashed down hard against the mat. He groaned, taking a moment before pushing up to sit. An exhale sounded through his nose while he glared up at the super soldier.

Bucky tilted his head in gesture, a proving point to his earlier statement. He breathed a laugh then in good sport, extended his hand. "You're good, i'll give you that." He said, while Jace took his hand and raised to his feet.

"But kick the overconfident attitude because there's always going to be someone who can put you on your ass. The enemy won't offer you a hand, Jace. They'll drive the dagger right through your chest if you show an ounce of weakness."

Jace truly looked at him for a moment, thinking it over and knew he was right. Sure he was overconfident, he'd been that way he's whole life and while it worked in Alicante, he was beginning to see that here, in this world, it could quite possibly lead to distraction—or death if not careful.

Jace nodded, dusting himself off. 

"I know that, i'm not akin to dealing with bad guys." He said.

Bucky headed over to pick up Alex's seraph blades from the ground, holding them in one hand before swiping Jace's blade off the ground on his way back over.

Fire and Ice - (Bucky Barnes x OC) 18+Where stories live. Discover now