Chapter 60

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The cold air blew around a rooftop landing, nipping at Alex's face. They arrived in Munich Germany an hour earlier to set up their plan of attack—or rather, retrieval. Bucky and Jace pushed their rivalry aside because a mission was a mission, and everyone needed to be on the same page with clear heads.

The two men partnered with Alex, and it was their job to be the lookout trio while Natasha headed inside the building with Wanda to find Vision. Tony and Sam took to the skies checking neighbouring buildings and being scouts.

Walking along the edge, Alex stole a glance over, the surrounding areas looked calm and serene. There wasn't anyone about. And that in itself should have screamed red flag, but it wasn't odd for no one to be out at this hour anyway. The darkened sky was clear, and the sensible people were all in their homes settling in for the night.

There wasn't anything around that screamed, danger. Yet, it was hauntingly quiet, maybe even a little too quiet. Street-lamps were brightly lit and there wasn't a car in sight besides the ones parked along the sides of the roads.

Unease made Alex's mind flick back to earlier in the day when the team all met in the briefing room to come up with this god-forsaken plan. She didn't have a good feeling about it but chose to go along with it regardless. The team was going with or without her, and she wasn't one to let them go alone or sit out on the mission.


Looking down at all the documents scattered across the briefing room table, Alex slumped forwards and braced her palms on the surface. Fury had just swung by, telling them some news that neither of them liked. It had been a bomb drop and a kick to the gut.

Sharon found the whereabouts of where Shield was keeping Vision, and lead a heist to retrieve him—or rather, break him out. She abducted the android successfully. And surprisingly no one knew how she managed to bypass so many security protocols to do it. No one knew what she wanted the android for either, but it wasn't for anything good.

Hearing that bomb drop, Wanda's anger sat front and ready to blow things up. After everything she had to sacrifice, including giving him up, being told and promised he would be kept safe. Now Vision was in the hands of an evil woman who's view of the world was power control, and teaching people a lesson.

Alex slid her eyes across the papers, the plan they had come up with in hindsight looked like a pretty simple mission to retrieve the android. But...nothing ever went simple for them. And the fact that her magical sensors were screaming at her, should've told her enough. The last time she felt this way was in Malibu, right before everything fell apart.

She sighed, lifting her gaze to look at her brother. "There's just something that doesn't feel right about this...a break in to a facility we think she's housing him in and take him back...i don't—i don't know-"

Tony exhaled through his nose, he halfway agreed with the plan but had his own hesitations.

"Look, i get you, i agree. There's a few things here that don't add up, but this is all we've got." he straightened and tossed the pen he was fiddling with onto the table.

Sam crossed his arms over his chest. 

"It won't be that simple..." He said. "There's a high percentage that something's gonna go wrong,"

Alex scoffed. "Can i slap you?" She addressed Sam, and he frowned. "Because it will go bad now that you've said it." A glare was sent his way that had him raising his hands in surrender. 

Bucky walked over to Alex and stood by her side, scanning the papers.

"Let's just do what we can, watch each others backs yeah?" He looked around, everyone agreed.

Fire and Ice - (Bucky Barnes x OC) 18+Where stories live. Discover now