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     "I'll pick you up that morning. We'll get Twitch and drop him off at Iriie's. After that..." Hace let out another sigh. He was going to be doing that a lot. "We'll catch a flight to... their house."

     "I don't blame you for not wanting to call them moms and dad." Jap knew this was going to be a nightmare. The last time Hace and their father, Guko, were in the same room... let's just say the furniture needed to be replaced from all the burn marks. It was mostly from their father, but by the looks of what happened that afternoon, the whole house might go up in flames.

     "I'll see you later. I'll get as much work as I can done in the next few days. I'll also talk to Iriie about what to expect with Twitch. I just hope Twitch and Sand will get along. Sand seems like a good boy, but you never know with these things. They are very temperamental."

     "Maybe you could take Twitch with you to meet Sand. See how it works out?"

     "Would if I could, but I think you should spend as much time as possible with him. He's still a bit skittish and I don't want him to think you're abandoning him."

     "Yeah, alright I'll work more with him. I'm just... I..." Jap hesitated as he stood next to the door that Hace was about to walk out. "I just hope this all blows over soon and we can get back to normal."

     Hace let out a huff and shook his head. "For us? This is normal." He chuckled.

     Jaxon must have fallen asleep in the car again. He wasn't sure if it was the motion or the softness of the seat he was in, but it was starting to mess with him. He almost felt like he wanted to sleep all the time.

     Hace was smiling at him as he carried him into the house and up to the bedroom.

     "We need to get your leg exercises done. Then bath time. I have a lot to do in the next few days." Hace cooed slightly at the face Jaxon made. Jaxon was both excited because he understood every word Hace said... and he was also scared because he hated the baths.

     Water still frightened him. He understood that it couldn't hurt him. He knew it was necessary since they didn't seem to have sonic showers here. But he still couldn't help but see that terrible event in his head.

     "No baf." Jaxon tried to say.

     Hace laughed. He set Jaxon down on the bed and started to carefully move his legs. Jaxon huffed and slightly pouted at the laughter. Why was he laughing at him?

     "Bath." Hace said slowly. Jaxon tilted his head... was Hace correcting his language for him? Did... did Hace understand that Jaxon was trying to learn how to talk with them?

     Most of the evening was uneventful. The worst part was trying to bathe Ardent while he was still awake. Bath time went so much easier at night after he'd had his meds. But Hace really didn't have time. As soon as dinner was finished, he put Ardent in his cage and went to get some work done.

     Hace always thought it was good to keep Ardent on a decent schedule as far as what time he put him to bed and a few other things. Hace laughed a little as he thought how he was doing better keeping Ardent on a schedule than himself! He just shook his head and put his headphones on. It was time to get some work done.

     Through the night and late into the next day, Hace did as much work as he could. He only stopped to take care of Ardent. Most of the time he just had Ardent in his playpen next to him. Every once in a while he would trade out a book or give him something new to do.

     The whole day went on that way until it was bedtime. Hace stood up and stretched. He'd been sitting far longer than he should have and his bones were creaking as he stretched. He looked down at Ardent and smiled. The little guy had fallen asleep on one of the books and was slightly drooling.

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