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     Jaxon slowly blinked his eyes open. He woke up laying in a chair. He sat up and looked around at his surroundings. Everything was just... gray. The chair he was in, the clothes he was wearing, even the walls and the floor were all gray. It was a small room, consisting of only a few chairs and one door.

     "You woke up!" Jaxon jumped at the loud voice next to him. Sitting in the chairs next to him were two more boys. They were both a lot bigger than he was. The one that had yelled at him had sandy brown hair and a big friendly smile. The other boy had bright red hair and looked like he was mad.

     "W-who are you?" Jaxon asked in a small voice. His voice didn't sound familiar. Nothing seemed familiar, almost like he just suddenly woke up and existed.

     "I'm Ash!" The boy put his hand out. Jaxon slowly took it and shook it. It was odd. It was as if his muscle memory told him how to shake the boy's outreached hand.

     "A-and you?" Jaxon leaned over and asked the red head.

     The boy glared at him and huffed. He turned away and crossed his arms.

     "That's Blade. He's in a bad mood." Ash giggled.

     "Oh. I'm... Jaxon." The name just popped into his head, almost like he was programed to say it. "Where are we?"

     "I don't know. I just woke up too. He was already awake and in a bad mood. He probably doesn't know either." Ash motioned his head at Blade.

     "You didn't ask! Maybe I do!" Blade turned back to the other two and scowled at them.

     "Do you?" Jaxon asked.

     Blade looked angry but said nothing. He huffed again and turned away. "No..." he mumbled under his breath.

     "I didn't think so." Ash said mockingly. "You're just a big dumb meanie!"

     "I am not!" Blade looked like he was going to cry.

     "I don't think your dumb." Jaxon tried to say. He was cut off from Blade yelling, "You're the meanie!" at Ash.

     Blade took a swing at Ash. Ash dodged out of the way, causing the fist that was meant for him to make contact with Jaxon's right eye. Jaxon took the hit at full force; it knocked the boy backwards.

     "Jaxon!" Ash shoved Blade to the floor and ran to the small boy. "Are you ok?"

     Jaxon's head was spinning. He slumped into the chair and was seeing spots. He heard voices yelling around him but didn't respond to them.

     "You killed him!" Ash yelled. "Why did you do that?!"

     Blade's eyes grew wide as he lay on the floor where Ash had pushed him. "I... I didn't mean to kill him!" Blade started to cry. "I didn't mean it!"

     "I..." Jaxon tried to talk.

     Blade was on his feet and ran to Jaxon. "He's alive!" He hugged the small boy. "I sorry! I sorry! Please..." Blade stopped dead and looked at Jaxon's eyes. Jaxon looked into Blade's brown eyes and quickly saw the expression in his eyes change to fear. Why was he afraid?

     Blade suddenly shoved Jaxon hard back into the chair. "No! You have bad eyes! I hate you! I wish you did die!" He swung his fist and tried to hit him again.

     Ash quickly got to his feet and caught the fist. He pulled Blade back and the two boys ended up on the floor fighting. Jaxon had no idea what was going on. Where was he? Why did that boy hate his eyes? Why was the other boy fighting with him?

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