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     After lunch, Ardent was given his medication and fell asleep quickly. Jap placed Twitch in the pen in Ardent's room and left some toys and blankets in there with him. They went back to the living room and tried to relax with a comedy to lighten the mood from that morning. It still lingered in the air even though it was almost one in the afternoon.

     Unfortunately, their mother had that kind of effect on them their whole lives. Never really able to relax after talking with her. The thing that worried them the most was that she hadn't called back or texted. That could either be a good thing or a bad thing. They just had to wait and see.

     Hace still couldn't believe what had happened earlier in the kitchen. He had no idea how Ardent even got up there and now wondered if he should install cameras in his whole house to catch what Ardent did.

     He had watched the video again. It still felt like Ardent had answered him. Was Ardent really learning the language? He was going send the video to the large group chat... but decided to just send it to the small one with just the 'enhanced' Inchoates.

Hace – You're not going to believe this. I haven't edited it at all... (Video Sent)

     "Still talking to your imaginary friends?" Jap joked.

     "I was sending them the video of Ardent." He sighed as he watched it one more time. "You know what? TV isn't making me feel any better. When Ardent wakes up, do you want to go somewhere?"

     Jap was looking at his own phone and sighed. He knew Hace was right, he often was. They should get out of there for their mental health.

     "Where would we go?"

     Hace didn't answer. His face was in his screen at the moment.

     "Do we just leave the boys at home? Where can we go if we take them?"

     Hace still didn't answer he seemed focused on something.

     "I'm asking questions here..." He sighed and pushed Hace playfully with his foot. "This is how I know you don't actually have any friends. You're terrible at conversation." Jap crossed his arms and pouted before letting off another sigh.

     "Sorry. I was setting us up appointments at the groomers in a half-hour."

     "Already? I don't get paid til next week! I thought that's when we were gonna do it."

     "What kind of uncle would I be if I didn't spoil my nephew?" Hace gave a slight grin and added. "Most likely the only nephew I'll ever have... seeing how ugly you are."

     Jap frowned but knew that Hace was just getting him back for being called ugly himself.

     "He's not gonna be happy. He freaks out with me cleaning him. What's he gonna do with someone else doing it?" Jap was a bit worried about Twitch. It really hadn't been very long since he got him. He did seem to be improving, but Jap didn't want to do anything to mess up the progress. He just had to hope for the best.

     Suddenly, Hace's phone blew up with a multitude of sounds. Both Jess and Iriie were sending a ton of messages. They were sending everything from comments to shock/laughing faces.

Iriie – That is amazing! If it had been anyone other than Ardent, I would have called BS!

Jess – What... what... wait... huh? Explanation?

Iriie – Ardent is for sure smarter than Sand. I could see him doing something like that with Ardent. I would love to set up cameras and see what they do without anyone around.

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