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     Jaxon was so proud of himself again. He was able to get the words out clearly without any hesitation. He just wished Ash was able to hear him talking to them. At the same time, he was kinda glad Ash wasn't there. He had told himself he would never be feed by Mint again if he could help it, but for some reason... when it was just him and the aliens, he didn't mind it as much today. He didn't like being fed by Mint in front of Ash though. He might not have completely realized it, but he was really starting to just adjust to his new life.

     After Mint cleaned him up, he took him to the living room and set him in his pillow on the couch. Ash's alien came into the room and sat down on the couch next to him with the treat bag.

     'Oh yeah!' Jaxon thought as his mouth watered for the sweet treats.

     Mint turned Jaxon so he was able to turn his head and see the other alien. He pointed at the alien and said a word. Jaxon's eyes lit up as he realized he was learning another name. Mint said the word a few more times.

     "Ooorrie." Jaxon tried to say the new name. "IIIIIInees." Mint took out a treat and held it up. He said the word a bit slower. "Innner, Iiierne, Iriiiin, Iriie."

     Mint and this new alien both gave Jaxon praise and Mint gave him the treat. Mint pointed again. Jaxon turned his head and looked at Gray "Iriie!" He said with a smile.

     Gray was just shocked. He talked to Mint for a while before Mint took Jaxon upstairs and put him in the pen with a wet, naked Ash. He was sitting in the little corner cubby with his knees up to his chest, a plushie in his arms, and bright red.

     "What happened to you?" Jaxon snickered a little.

     "I don't want to talk about it!" Ash nearly yelled at him.

     Jaxon started to laugh his head off. And he thought being fed was embarrassing! He laughed at Ash's misfortune, but secretly hoped that Ash would never see him without clothes and find out that he's in diapers. That would be terrible, he would just die.

     "You shut your mouth!" Ash said with a bit of a laugh and embarrassment in his voice. "This isn't funny!" He picked up a random toy next to him and threw it at Jaxon

     "Yeah, you're right..." Jaxon bit his lip and tried not to laugh harder. "It's freaking hilarious!"

     "Well, you let them feed you by hand!"

     "At least I didn't eat like an animal." Jaxon stuck his tongue out at Ash.

     The two really did miss each other. They missed the moments like this when they could just... be. They were rare since they were always being trained for the mission. They never really got to play, never got to have fun. It was always the mission first. The mission only.

     Ash and Jaxon were enjoying this time together. Laughing and teasing like the old days.

     Ash shook his head a bit and tried to dry himself off. The boys weren't used to so much water. Water was one of the last resources left on earth. It was rare to have pure water. Most of what they drank was 'recycled' water... that they never really asked about. They were sure they wouldn't like the answer.

     Jaxon wouldn't have been so scared of the water that Hace kept submerging him in if he knew how to swim. There was no way for him to learn on earth though. Not like they had standing water anywhere. Rain was rare and was often laced with acid due to all the pollution in the atmosphere. Even when they cleaned up, it wasn't water. It was an invention called a sonic shower. Some guy had gotten the idea from some old sci-fi show and actually made one. Heard he made a fortune... lot of good it did him when he died from it malfunctioning.

     Ash smiled at Jaxon and threw a few droplets of water at him to get him out of his thoughts.

     After a little while, Gray finally came back and re-dressed Ash. He put his leash back on him and was pointing at the toys. Ash got the point.

     "He wants me to take some I think." Ash said looking at the pile. "Anything you want to keep?"

     "Nah, I don't really like them. Take what you want." Jaxon said with a sigh.

     "Are you sure? There's some cool looking stuff in here." Ash kneeled down and started looking through all the toys.

     "I'm sure."

     Ash grabbed a few toys and one of the plushies before Gray picked him up out of the pen and set him on the floor. Gray took the toys in his hands, except for the plushie, and led Ash downstairs while Mint followed with Jaxon.

     "Well, I guess it looks like you guys are leaving." Jaxon said sadly. "I hope your alien and mine are friends so I can see you again."

     "Yeah, but I swear, if my guy buys one of those chair things... I'm going to completely blame you!" Ash gave a grin. "You take care of yourself until we see each other again."

     "You too."

     Gray walked out the door waving, and Mint closed it behind them. Jaxon sighed, at least he now knew one of the others from the ship were ok. The most important one in his opinion.

     Mint took Jaxon upstairs and after he changed his diaper, he sat down in the chair and set Jaxon in a comfy position on his lap. This was something new, Jaxon was a bit confused as to what Mint was doing now. Mint reached over to the bookshelf and pulled out one of the books. He opened it and positioned Jaxon so he could see the pictures.

     'Is... is he going to read to me?!' He thought excitedly.

     Jaxon's day might have started off terrible, but it was ending amazingly. Mint had started to read what looked like a children's story and slightly bounced him when he felt that Jaxon would enjoy certain parts of the story.

     'What... what is going on?' Jaxon suddenly felt... something... different. He leaned back and looked up at Mint. For the first time since he'd gotten there, he didn't feel like he was a failure. He didn't feel like he had to prove himself. He wasn't mad at himself for being there.

     For the first time in his life, he felt... at ease. He had never had anyone read to him. He couldn't even remember being taught to read. He always read everything on his own. Even though he couldn't understand what Mint was reading, it still felt... good.

     Mint stopped and looked down at him. He said something and smiled. Jaxon gave him a big smile back and slightly snuggled into him. He was trying to say thank you the only way he could think to do it.

     "Are you enjoying the story?" Hace stopped reading when Ardent had leaned into him.

     He looked down and saw that Ardent was watching him. Hace smiled at him. Ardent smiled back the cutest smile and snuggled slightly into him. Hace almost cried. He hugged Ardent and gave him a slight kiss on the top of his head.

     After Hace had given Ardent his medication, and changed him into his pajamas, he brought him back into his lap and finished reading the book. Ardent's eyes closed just before the end of the story, and he fell into Hace's chest. Hace went to set Ardent in his cage when Ardent slightly smiled, "Hace..." Ardent had whispered in his sleep. Hace filled with pride. He really did choose a good one. They were bonding so fast.

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