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     Ardent slept for an hour before he started to stir. He stretched his arms out of the blanket and yawned. His eyes slowly opened and he looked up at Hace. Hace smiled and pet the side of his face before scratching his chin. Ardent gave a small smirk and a happy sigh.

     "Someone seems to be in a better mood." Jap said with a laugh. Ardent's smile went away as his eyes opened wide and he started to fight to get out of Hace's grip. "And I spoke too soon." Jap sighed.

     Hace moved over and put Ardent's pillow on the couch between them. He took the blanket off Ardent and put him down. He seemed to calm down a little when he was out of Hace's arms. But he was still angry. He crossed his arms and refused to look at either of them.

     "Let's leave him alone for a bit. He can just sit there while we finish our movie." Jap nodded his head in agreement, even though he knew it was going to be hard because Ardent was so cute.

     'I can't believe he held me the whole time I was asleep.' Jaxon was so embarrassed he could feel it in the back of his skull like a flame going up and down. 'He was probably petting me the whole time too. I hate being pet. I hate being a pet!'

     After he'd been put into the pillow, he felt a little better. He quickly looked down and didn't allow either of them access to his chin. He didn't want them to touch him again.

     They seemed to be ignoring him now. He slowly lifted his head when his neck started to hurt and looked at them suspiciously.

     First, he looked at Mint. Jaxon's curiosity started to get the best of him again as he looked closer at Mint's skin. He thought it was slimy at first from the shimmer. But after being held so much, it was just extremely smooth. Parts of his arm seemed to look a little different. Yesterday Mint's shirt sleeves covered his arms. Today he was wearing a short-sleeve shirt. From his elbows up as far as he could see, Mint's skin changed from smooth to almost scaly. Jaxon wondered if they went over his whole back or stopped somewhere under his shirt. He was too sick earlier to see when Mint had his shirt off.

     The 'scales' were slightly darker green than his smooth skin and looked harder than the rest of Mint's skin. Jaxon almost reached up to feel them, but quickly caught himself and pulled his hands back. He folded his arms again and gave a small huff.

     Green's eyes slightly turned towards him but went back to the screen they were watching. Jaxon looked at Green and wondered if he had the same thing on his arms. Was it also a slightly different color? Was it some kind of armor? Did all of the aliens here have it? And why did they each only have one head? He'd seen a few that had two heads. What made them different? Did having only two eyes make them less alien than the ones he'd seen with three or more? If they were related, maybe it was more of a family thing?

     Green started to tap his leg fast. He was sucking on his lip. He said something to Mint. Mint replied without looking at him. Green started to rub his hands together and kept shooting glances at Jaxon. Jaxon realized that Green wanted to pet him again. Jaxon quickly looked away. He'd been staring too long. Green must have thought he wanted attention for looking that long.

     Green suddenly reached out and pet the top of Jaxon's head. Green's hand went down the side of his face and he cooed at him. Jaxon tried to back away and fell into Mint's side. It was just like that morning again! Jaxon was trapped between them again! Mint looked down and smiled at him before just setting him back up and saying something to Green that sounded like a scolding. Green sighed and pulled his hand away. Mint smiled at Jaxon again before turning back to the screen in front of them.

     Jaxon was a bit confused, but happy that Mint didn't try to pet him too. Mint seemed to be talking at the screen and made a few strange noises at it. Almost like he was laughing at it. Jaxon now turned his attention to the screen they were watching. It didn't look like anything he'd seen before. It was like they were watching security footage, but the angles of the camera kept changing.

     There were two aliens talking. A pale yellow one with only one head and three green eyes that seemed to be a bit more muscular than either Mint or Green. And a more slender one with two heads, soft blue skin, two pure white eyes on each head, and white hair that was about shoulder length on one head and a shorter haircut on the other.

     The two aliens sounded mad at each other. Jaxon wondered why they were watching this. Was there something important they needed to review? Did they work security? They didn't look like security. Were they Generals? Or in charge of solving disputes?

     Suddenly, the yellow one grabbed one of the blue heads and pushed its face into it while the other head started yelling.

     'Are they fighting? Did that one just bite the other? Did I just witness a crime? The blue one doesn't seem to be fighting very hard... What's going on??' Jaxon's eyes got wide.

     The camera angle changed again, and the two aliens were in a different location suddenly.

     'Did they teleport? Can they do that here? Is there some of the tape missing? Did they cut out the unimportant parts for the trial? What kind of room is that? What is that in the window behind them?'

     The yellow alien backed away from the blue one and had a strange smile on its face. The blue alien seemed fine. It also had a smile on both its faces... more strange-looking smiles. Jaxon watched confused as the yellow one took its shirt off and took the blue alien in its arms.

     'That alien has the same scales!' Jaxon noticed as he watched. 'It goes up its arms and down its back and across his chest.'

     The blue alien pushed both its faces into the yellow one's neck over and over again. The blue alien reached down and grabbed the edges of its shirt.

     Mint's hands went over Jaxon's eyes.

     Hace scoffed at the movie. It was a cheesy romcom.

     "And of course, they had to add a bedroom scene." He laughed. "They just can't make good movies anymore." He leaned back and put his arm across the back of the couch.

     The leading man and woman were kissing in a bedroom with the city lights behind them and fireworks going off in the background to imply what was about to happen. Hace shook his head and looked down at Ardent. Ardent's mouth hung open a bit and he seemed a bit too glued to what was going on. Hace quickly covered his eyes before the woman got her shirt off. Ardent gave a startled yip.

     "Can you change the channel?" Hace asked Jap as he fought with Ardent who was trying to see.

     Jap quickly turned the channel, and an action flick came on. Hace gave a sigh and took his hands away. Ardent seemed very confused. His mouth dropped and his eyes widened in fear as he watched all the explosions.

     "Do you think he understood what was going on?" Jap asked.

     "I'm not sure, but he didn't need to see that. I'm gonna need to be more careful what I watch with him around." Hace looked down at him and sighed. "Maybe we should just turn it off. He looks scared now."

     'Did I miss the crime? Did Mint think it wasn't safe for me to watch it? Why are there so many explosions suddenly?' Jaxon's eyes got wide again, and he leaned back into the pillow. He was breathing hard. 'Was this live? Was this the past? Did their planet have a war too?' The screen went black.

     "Hey! What was that? What's going on? Should we be worried?!" He screamed franticly.

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