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Iriie – Hey, I got this weekend off. Want to hang out at my place?

Hace – Sure. It might be nice to introduce Ardent to new surroundings he can be safe in.

Iriie – Sounds like a plan. Oh, I don't have any fancy pillows or anything for him. I just let Sand run free in the apartment.

Hace – Don't worry. I'll bring everything he needs.

Iriie – Cool cool. See you in a few days.

     Hace sat back in his chair and gave a slight happy huff. He couldn't believe it. Other than his brother, he normally didn't hang out with anyone. This Iriie guy was actually pretty cool. And he was being honest earlier when he told Jap that they were very similar. They both gave off the same high energy and had a love for animals, but their personalities were a bit different. Hace looked at the screen and a slight smile came on his face. Most of the people on this chat seemed to be more like the people he'd like to hang out with then most of the people he'd met in person. Maybe he'd just been hanging out with the wrong people this whole time.

     After chatting a bit with the new person in the group who owned that evil looking Inchoate, Hace turned off the computer and decided to call it a night. He went back into his pet's room and stood over him for a moment, just watching Ardent color. It was cute watching his little tongue stick out while he looked like he was concentrating hard on something. What was he working so hard on?

     Hace's mouth almost dropped. Ardent looked like he was using the children's book and copying words out of it. If he didn't know any better, it looked like Ardent was trying to learn how to write. But that just can't be. How could a pet be that smart?

     "Ardent, what are you doing?" Hace leaned in further to get a better look. Ardent let out a squeak and shut all the books suddenly. He pulled them under his body and tried to hide it from Hace. "Oh no. Let me see." He pulled the coloring book out from his little hands and looked at all the random words along the edges and all over the empty back cover. Hace gave a bit of a smile at the crude attempts Ardent was making of words and numbers. "You are the smartest little..."

     Hace suddenly stood up and left the room, going to his own. He pulled out a blank notebook from one of his drawers and brought it back into Ardent's room. Hace gave back the coloring book, but also opened the blank notebook and gave it to him. Ardent's eyes lit up and he gave a huge smiled. He flipped through all the empty pages and gave a slight giggle. Then he looked up at Hace and did something that Hace didn't think he'd do in a million years... he held up his hands.

     "Hace!" Ardent said while holding up his hands.

     'Does... Does he want to be held? Is he asking me to pick him up?' Hace thought. He picked him up and Ardent gave him a hug the best he could. Hace melted in Ardent's grip. His pet was thanking him for the notebook!

     "Food." Ardent said pointing at his plate. Hace was just amazed at how much he was talking. "Water?" Ardent pointed at the cup next to him. He took a sip and his eyes lit up at the sweet flavor of Jumm Juuice. It had been about a day or two since he'd had any. "No water!"

     Hace laughed at the statement. "That's juice."

     "Juice." He took another drink and smiled.

     Ardent was picking up words quickly. There was a lot he was getting right on the first try. Hace just shook his head in amazement and started to eat his own dinner.

     After they were all done, he cleaned up the dishes and brought out the medicine. Ardent gave a sigh and looked up at him with sad eyes. "Sleep?" Ardent said sadly. Again, Hace was just floored. It was another word he didn't remember teaching him.

     "Yes. Sleep." Hace answered him.

     Ardent just sighed again and closed his eyes. He opened his mouth and waited for Hace to give it to him.

     Jaxon wished there was a better way to take the medicine. Having it forced down his throat wasn't his idea of a good time. But it was just something he'd gotten used to. He smacked his lips a few times and looked at Hace. Hace smiled and pet his head.

     Hace carried Jaxon up to his bedroom and into the bathroom. Jaxon went pale. He didn't want to be cleaned again. But this time, instead of going to the big sink, they went to the little one. Hace opened a small cabinet on the wall and pulled out a few things Jaxon hadn't seen before.

     Jaxon looked with confusion as he watched Hace get out what looked like a small mouth guard of some kind. The outside was covered with some kind of brushes. Hace put some gel in the middle of it and carefully put it into Jaxon's mouth. Jaxon's face said it all, it was such a strange feeling as the whole thing vibrated and the gel covered all his teeth and massaged his gums. Hace laughed a little and said something about sleep.

     'Does he do this when I'm already asleep?' Jaxon wondered as the brushes continued to wipe the grim from his teeth.

     When they were done with that, Hace slightly repositioned Jaxon so he could turn his head to the side and get access to his ears. 'What are you doing?' Jaxon didn't remember Hace ever doing this to him. Hace shooshed him as he took a small piece of cotton and wiped out his ears. The feeling was weird. Jaxon tried to push his hands away, but Hace just held his hands down and continued with the other side.

     "Good boy." Hace picked him up and after changing him, he set him into his bed. Jaxon was starting to fade; the medication was finally starting to work. Hace covered him with a blanked and gave him the fox plushie. Jaxon wanted to give it a hug. And why shouldn't he?... Just not in front of Hace, not yet. He didn't want to show Hace that he'd decided to give all this a try. He gave a huge yawn as the top of the cage was locked into place, and Hace left the room. As soon as the door was shut, Ardent snuggled his face into his fox and feel into a deep sleep.

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