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     The next morning, Jaxon woke up when Mint picked him up. He was startled at first, but he was starting to get used to it. It'd been four days now since Mint had 'adopted' him. Jaxon wasn't as embarrassed anymore when Mint changed the diaper and dressed him. He simply started to view Mint as a caregiver instead of an owner. He didn't like to use the word 'owner' in his head.

     Mint was talking to him a lot today. He seemed to be really excited about something. They went downstairs and had breakfast before going into the dark room with all the monitors again.

     "Yes!" Jaxon couldn't help but get excited. He turned red when Mint looked down at him for being so loud.

     'I just wish I had something to write with! I guess I'll have to remember what I can and write it down later.'

     Ardent gave out an excited yip when Hace came into his office. He looked down at the cute scene. Ardent's ears and cheeks were red, and he had his hands over his mouth. Hace laughed as he turned on his computer.

     He opened an energy drink and a bag of snacks and set them to the side. He wasn't hungry yet, but when he got in the zone, he'd be ready.

     The monitors came alive and Ardent gasped. Hace forgot that he had changed the pictures on his screens to pictures of Ardent. There was one of him sleeping with his red plushie, one with juice running down his chin, and one of him with his arms crossed and pouting. Ardent put his head down and made a small, sad chirp.

     "What's the matter?" Hace pet his head and rubbed his cheek. "You don't like that I changed my pictures?" Hace laughed at how adorable he was acting before opening up his next schematic.

     Hace took a sip of his energy drink and then rubbed his eyes. He was only on his third project, but he felt like he needed the caffeine already. This schematic had so much wrong with it he was getting a headache. It didn't help that he'd woke up early to get his work done so he had the afternoon to take Ardent to town with him.

     Hace reached into his snacks and grabbed a handful of preetz. He shoved most of them in his mouth. A few fell down and landed on top of Ardent who gave out a startled squeak.

     "Oh, sorry buddy." Ardent picked up one and looked at it. Then he gathered the rest of them together the best he could and tried to hand them back to Hace.

     Hace had read that Inchoates were very greedy when they first come from the wild, so he was surprised that Ardent didn't eat the food, but instead tried to give back everything he dropped.

     Now that he thought about it, that didn't go along with his personality at the store either. He was hesitant and didn't like to take things for himself. Ardent was really a sweet little guy. Hace praised him and took the food, giving him one back. Ardent smiled and examined it for a moment before slowly eating it. Hace hugged him and went back to work.

     It wasn't more than a few minutes before Hace felt a tapping on his arm. He looked down and Ardent was pointing at the energy drink. The preetz was kinda salty. The poor guy was probably thirsty.

     "Oh no. That's not for you." Hace didn't even want to think what caffeine would do to him. He got up and headed to the kitchen. Hace made a sippy cup up for Ardent, putting a new flavor of electrolytes in it. Ardent gladly took the cup and started to drink.

     Hace was noticing that even though it was only day four, Ardent seemed to be getting very comfortable with his situation. He even went so far as to asked him for a drink for the first time. Ardent's change seemed to have happened when he first saw the computer. Hace wondered if it had something to do with that. He seemed so much happier afterwards.

     After another few hours of working, and a quick diaper change, it was time for Ardent's medication again. Hace was just so surprised how cooperative Ardent was. After lunch, Ardent just opened his mouth and allowed Hace to give him the medicine without a fight. Hace didn't feel so bad giving it to him when he didn't have to force it on him.

     Ardent fell asleep in his arms before he even got upstairs. Hace smiled and pet his mane and back, he noticed that his mane was starting to get a bit longer. He kinda liked it long enough to put his fingers through, but he didn't want it to get too long, it would be harder to keep clean otherwise. Ardent nuzzled into Hace's arm and gave a happy sigh. Hace was suddenly happier than ever on his choice of pet. He couldn't even imagine life without him now.

     The pet group Hace had joined got about five more people in it. They all posted cute pictures of their pets and were sharing how each one was different from what they expected. None of them seemed to be taking to their surroundings though as fast as Ardent. Everyone else was still struggling to get their pets to allow them to pick them up or even pet them. Iriie had had his the longest so far at two weeks. He was one of the first to get to choose.

     But unlike Ardent, the other Inchoates seems to be very attached to their belongings already and either freely picked their own stuff or tried to take everything they could at the store. Hace wondered why Ardent had such a hard time when the others from his pack seemed to be more normal.

     This just made him wish he could ask the little guy what was going on in his head. What was it that made Ardent so much different from the other Inchoates? Was it the injury? Was this really his pack?

Hace – I've had Ardent four days now. He's so cute and sweet. Today he handed me food I dropped.

Iriie – Awwwwweee! My guy would have eaten it for sure. Sand is hard to keep away from the food. I had to put locks on all my lower cabinets. I just hope he doesn't learn how to open the fridge!

Joool – LOL That's funny. My guy uses random boxes and furniture that he can move to build stairs and other things to try and escape! I have to watch him like a mother hwoklie! He even figured out open the window in the attic!

Phout – Mine is a little bit of a brat. He keeps fighting everything. I practically have to drag him when we go for walks. And during bath time I end up just as wet as him... if I can keep him in the tub!

Iriie – Mine loves the water, just not the actual washing. Especially his hair. He screams any time I get anywhere near his head for some reason.

Hace – Mine screamed bloody murder his first bath. Tonight will be bath two... we'll see how he handles it.

     Hace really enjoyed having someone to talk to. He normally was a loner but having someone with a similar interest as him was a rare thing. And texting back and forth was much more preferred then talking in person anyway.

     He still liked Iriie's idea of meeting up to have their pets associate. He wanted to wait just a little longer til he could put Ardent's collar on. It shouldn't be more than a few days. That'll also give him more time bonding with Ardent.

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