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     Jaxon sat on the cold floor in a bloody mess. His nose was broken for sure and possibly his left leg. Next to him were three other boys that were unconscious and looked much worse than he did. The boys had pulled him out of his bed and to a secluded hallway. He knew for sure that it was Blade who send them to beat him up. Jaxon laughed as he looked around at the other boys. They never had a chance. It would have been a more even match if Blade himself had come.

     Jaxon slowly pulled himself to his feet, and using the walls, limped to the nearest first aid. There was no one on duty yet, they were in the middle of shift change. Jaxon just sighed and went to the cabinet. He pulled out some cleaning ointment and some cotton balls. He'd at least get cleaned up until the medic came to set any bones for him.

     "What happened to you?" Ash asked as he stuffed his mouth with the gray looking protein mix they ate every morning. "Don't tell me!" He added quickly, "Blade?"

     "Blade. He sent three of his 'gang' to try and beat me up." He gave a slight chuckle remembering the look on the first boy's face when he had jumped over the boy's head to get out of his grip. "They got a few lucky hits in."

     Ash just shrugged and continued to eat. Jaxon was about to eat his food, when his head was slammed down into his bowl. He could feel a strong hand holding him down. He fought against the hand as he stared to inhale the thick paste. He heard Ash screaming and everything went dark.

Iriie – Are we really the only three that got contacted to bring our pets in?

Hace – Looks like it. Jess, I know me and Iriie have had our two inchoates interact, but what about yours? Have you meet up with anyone else?

Jess – Not really. Work takes up a lot of time. The rest is spent either cleaning up what Monster broke or sleeping.

Iriie – What do you do for work?

Jess – Why should I tell you? I don't know you.

Iriie – Touché. Fine. I work as a special agent for the government. I find all the uptight people in the world and make they have fun.

Hace – Play nice you two. Iriie, you're not kidnapping someone and forcing them to have fun. Maybe my first impression of you being a crazy psycho killer was right...

Iriie – You never know... >:)

Jess – You guys are so weird.

Hace – The real reason I had our own group was... hold on. Ardent is screaming.

Jess – Screaming?

Jess – Hello? What happened?

Jess – Where did you all just suddenly go?

Iriie – Sorry, I was on a phone call for a moment. What did I miss?

Jess – We were talking, and he just left. Read his last message.

Iriie – Oh, yeah. Ardent has nightmares. Hace has his hands full with him.

     Hace quickly picked up Ardent from his bed and rocked him a bit as he pet his mane. Ardent was screaming his head off. Whatever his dream was about must have been terrible. Hace hated seeing him this bad off.

     "Come on buddy. It's ok." He cooed. Ardent blinked a few times, like his eyes hadn't been in focus and looked around. He had stopped screaming but was breathing hard as his eyes cleared.

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