9.Lethal Addiction only leads to Destruction

Start from the beginning

She chose a distant corner for herself so that she can avoid the continuous quibbling stares, her insides still twisting as she heard a few ladies gossiping about her being the swapped bride. The urge to tell them that she had no choice was at peak but she was wiser than that, the truth from her mouth will only go deaf to their ears.

The change of the soft chords to sensual music suddenly embraced the hall into a romantic aura making few to squeal. And soon enough many couples were already in the middle of the hall grooving their bodies in the arms of their beloved.

Biting her lips Mishika attempted to push back the sudden surge of turmoil emerging in her heart. She might have stopped believing in fantasies, but she did wish to have a normal life. And she knew that her marriage was anything but normal.

"In such an environment you are standing all alone." She was torn away from her thoughts by an unfamiliar voice. "You must be Aarav's wife."

Mishika raised her eyebrows, intrigued by the stranger who appeared out of nowhere and was initiating conversation with her.

"Only an idiot like him can leave his newlywed all alone between a bunch of strangers." His tone was playful when he waved his hand animated-ly.

"By the way I am Veer." Mishika's eyes moved on Veer's face and then to his outstretched hand. Hesitancy was evident in her posture and as if sensing her indecisiveness he pulled his hand back with a warm smile.

"Don't tell me that cavemen have threatened you to stay away from all male species." Ducking her head low, a soft laugh rumbled from Mishika's throat catching the playfulness in Veer's words.

Surprisingly Veer didn't leave but stood beside Mishika nonetheless their attention fixed on the couples dancing. Back and forth he made some small talks that eventually made the uneasiness to vapour out of Mishika.

"You know my wedding was fixed for the end of this year." Upon hearing him breaking the silence Mishika turned her gaze to him. "I loved my fiance a lot. Everything was going so perfectly. Until Aarav decided to take interest in her."

Mishika's throat parched and she gulped dryly. Her lashes fluttered and she tried to look for playfulness on his face but found nothing. His face was morphed with impassiveness while he stared blankly at the couples and his words were reflecting lesion.

She visibly flinched feeling sudden warm breaths aerating near her neck. "Hello wife." Still startled by Veer's confession, she didn't realise when Aarav reached there and now his face was in the dip of her neck. "Missed me ?" Feeling of his warm lips over her open collar bone made her senses ripple with shivers.

A small crescent emerged at the corner of Aarav's lips, liking the instant reaction of her body in his presence. Meanwhile through his peripheral vision he glared at Veer who gave a deadpanned look to him.

She avoided gazing at the two men around her, her cheeks coating with rosy hue as Aarav held her waist and ushered her to walk. "Now come on wife, I need to change." Her head was somewhat still spinning with Veer's previous words yet she gave him a small smile before languidly leaving with Aarav.
"Here" she turned to hand him the mannequin bag, but stopped, finding his hawk eyes intensely fixed on her, taking in every inch of her. "You should change." her quivering voice handed him the satisfaction to smirk.

His legs deliberately inched closer to her and her breath hitched feeling his rough palms covering hers over the bag's strap. In no time he was close and his dark charcoal eyes were hitched on analysing her face from closely, the way he once used to do. And the mere thought made her heartbeat pace.

"The ceremony is about to start." She reminded, her eyes wavering away from his.

But the next moment she shrieked, noticing him pulling his shirt off. "What are you doing ?"

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