27. 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲

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Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

*Tae's Pov*

It's the sangeet evening, the ones who are ready are moving to the venue for the function and the ones who are still getting ready are just getting ready, ain't special to me. I keep denying everyone who asks me to join them to go to the venue, well I didn't got ready first to just leave first!

Since last two hours I'm standing here besides the stairs like a fool hoping to see her and it's doing nothing but making me more desperate to get her first glance. We were said to twin clothes with our dance partners tonight and just imagining her in same navy blue colour dress as mine ain't feeding my craving heart.

I decide to go up but then, she showed up. My heart skips everytime I see her, this heart skipping thing will never get old it feels new each time. She walks down along with her friends and finally decides to notice my existence. That attitude in her gaze, I swear it's a turn on.

"You look beautiful" the words just form into a compliment.

"I know, I always do" she says sassyly flipping her hairs back. That's her personality.

Giving her opinion about herself, which is absolutely true she tries to move past me. But then I hold onto her wrist.

"So, shouldn't that be considered as a crime?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

She ungrips my hand off her wrist "Bad girls are crime themselves" she replied smirking, again sassy.

I keep my hand on my heart and act like an arrow hit me right there, an invisible arrow did hit me hard right through my heart though. The girls laugh and they all strode out leaving me behind.

There isn't one day when she fails to make me fall in love with her. Her personality, her smile, her laugh, her way of thinking, her speaking with her eyes, she's exactly like what I imagined her to be when I first saw her. Isn't that what you call a crush? When you imagine a person to be like you think and then they're just like what you thought of them. I can't say I knew everything about her at first glance, it took time and in that time when I got to know more and more about her, she just became much and more beautiful kind of woman, uh person... I've ever met.


*Y/n's Pov*

There is still time for the function to begin and here Taehyung is following me like a golden retriever trying to get me talk to him. "Taehyung stop following me I'm already busy as it is, we can talk later" I said still walking ahead of him. "Just listen to me one last time, hey Y/n!" he completed his sentence when I hiss getting a pull on my stole from the back followed by a tearing sound effect. My jaw dropped.

Is it what I think it is? It's like time paused, I turn my head slowly praying that it shouldn't be what I think it is. My eyes meet Taehyung first, he looks like that naughty kid who broke a vase and is now scared of getting a beating from his mom. Second, my gaze travels all the way down to the floor and I see his foot on the beautiful lace which now is separated from it's companion stole.

I curl my fingers into a fist and gulp down the saliva meeting his eyes again with a death glare. He raises his both hands in defence out of fear to protect himself from getting a hit. I dramatically let my myself fall on the floor shocking him as it didn't went as he expected. I don't want to fight because it won't change the fact that our performance could start any minute now and here I am.

I cry aggressively with empty squeals taking that lace in my hands as no one was around letting fictional tears slide down my cheeks. If only he wasn't my dance partner tonight his dead body would've been lying on the floor until now. I hate him so much for this.

"Y/n? Y/n why are you crying?" I stop crying and turn when I heard someone run to me. Prince bends down, with concern in his chocolatey eyes and worry on his face, he looks at me. "What happened?" he asked holding both of my arms waiting for a reply. I throw my head on his shoulder, "My stole!!" I squeak showing up my beautiful navy blue stole. "Taehyung tore my stole!!" I throw tantrums at Taehyung who was unable to say even a sorry. Prince hisses as he shows him his dark eyes. "Don't cry ok? I'll sew it for you, come." he got up saying that. My eyes light up and I immediately get up after him. "Really? You know how to sew?" he nods passing a reassuring smile "There's still 20 to 25 minutes for the performance so stop stressing I'll do it for you" he said.


I was waiting in a room, Prince strictly told me to not come out until he gets me my stole fixed. He's funny like how he didn't even dared to raise his eyes while I was giving him my stole. His girlfriend would be lucky he's respectful, obedient, possesive, intelligent good man.

"Uhm uhm...."

Taehyung entered the room indicating it by clearing his throat. I move my eyes to the opposite side sulking at him. He forwarded his right arm with a cup cake which has an smiley ◉⁠‿⁠◉ on it, "Sorry" he whispered in my ears in his raspy voice. He made it as an apology? Still sulking I give him a side eye, "You made this out of sorry?" I inquired with an angry pout. He scoffs "Why would I make it? Yeah but I felt very sorry while ordering it" he said. Will that coolness ever leave him? Did he not even made the cute smiley? "I'm talking about this ugly smiley" I keep up with my attitude as well. "Atleast don't call it ugly, sweetheart" he pouts looking a bit hurted, "Do you even know how many kids I had to request for this colourful button like chocolate?" he asked feeling moped.

I snatch the plastic spoon from him and dig it into that cup cake smiling to the opposite side so that he couldn't see me smiling, but then the door opens showing Prince...with my stole! I leave the cake and run to grab my stole. Taking it from him I check it out from every angle and it's looks perfect, he sewed it for me! Without wasting a second I give him a hug "Thank you, thank you so much Prince! It really means a lot!" I low-key jump on my spot. "It's time for the performance , I think we must leave" Taehyung pulls me back as he announces.




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