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Y/n took me to the nearby pharmacy store to buy me a band-aid for my bruises. She kept blowing and stroking her fingers on wounds to provide me comfort. Concern was clearly painted over her face and I wasn't able stop looking at her the whole time since we left the scene.

Feeling no pain, just watching her.

Watching her, and wondering that how I can't stand any other men looking at her or anyone talking bad about her or just anything bad towards her. This woman drives me crazy.

I was so furious. So furious. So furious that I could've killed that boy right on the place for talking I'll of her, for eyeing her and for calling her names.

I asked her if I can accompany her but she denied sassyly, if only I wouldn't have lied about taking a call this guys might have followed her or something even worse.

I was angry at her too and the fact that she's pretending as if she can't feel my gaze on her is making me more angry but still my eyes are soft as I look at her because, I love her and I wanna hug her so bad, so bad, so bad that my whole anger would vanish by her warmth. She would've been so scared all alone.

"Stop looking at me like that" she shifted her eyes to look into mine while I still stare at her without any break.

"Like what?" I whispered, my voice deep and low.

"Like you gonna scold me for something which wasn't even my fault on the first place and even if it was, I'm not gonna listen to you because you're-- " she continued when I placed my index finger on her lips making her stop. I felt her breaths hitch for due to my touch.

"I didn't even spoke yet, let's go home" I mumbled pretending to be uninterested because I was tired and angry.


After buying icecream when we were walking back home she said that no one in the house should find out about what happened tonight and we agreed to it. As we reached outside of the house on the gate she toom my hood over my head to cover my face.

"Cover it, no one should see" she said.

"Forget it" I took off the hood lazily. "I'm just gonna head to my room" I said ruffling my hairs.

"That's sounds much better" she huffed in relief and went in first. I get in after her.

"Let's go, Prince" she yelled passing in by him and that's when I saw Prince coming towards me.

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