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Astrid pulled back, still straddling him as she caught her breath... 'Because I fucking love you, that's why..'.. She slapped a hand to his chest, hard and got up, walking to the kitchen, and grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.

'You want to run that by me, one more time?..'.. She glanced over to him, still laying on the floor, but his head turned to her.

Taking a deep breath, she leaned on the breakfast bar... 'For a few months, I felt different with you, had sex dreams. Last week, I don't know what that was, but afterwards I just felt so much guilt, it was crushing me. Going home..'.. She blew out a breath... 'I needed to face everything, to finally talk about it. My brothers, my kids, the others, they all said the same damn thing..'

Wade didn't move or say a word, just listened to her... 'But it was the letter, Bruces' letter, that broke me..'.. She sniffled, looking down at the bottle... 'I guess it took time to see what they did, and I have always loved you, just differently than everyone else. When the whole Eric thing happened, I was ready to break the rules, for you. I would have killed for you..'

That, he didn't know. He knew she would come for him, and she did, just not that she was going to go dark about it. He never thought he meant that much to her.

'Why did you never say anything?..'.. She asked, still not looking at him.

'You were happy with big green, I wasn't going to ruin that, and I had Vanessa...'... Wade shrugged on the floor... 'After I lost her, there wasn't anyone else. And I wasn't going to be the asshole, to break you and the big guy up..'

'This past week, all I've done, is talk and cry it out. Today was the first time I stepped into that house, since I left. It was hard, but I wanted to say goodbye..'.. Wade frowned, and got up off the floor, moving to sit on the stool across from her. She stood straight, looking right at him... 'I wanted to say goodbye to him, so I can move on, with you..'

Wade pursed his lips at her... 'Nope..'.. He slapped a hand to the top, and then reached forward for her water... 'This won't do. Wave those magic fingers, and get the good shit..'.. He waggled his fingers at her, and she was still watching him... 'Fuck, you've gone mute, yes!..'... He laughed, setting the water aside.

'Really? That's what you're going to say?.'... She cocked her head, glaring at him.

'Told you, I don't do the feely shit, now put those fingers to use, on me or bring the good shit here..'.. He taps the top again.

'You're an asshole..'.. She scowled at him, moving to her bedroom, he was a huge asshole.

'Yeah, but you love me, right? Ha, you're definitely psycho now bitch!..'... He called after her, and Astrid fought a smile, trying to stay angry at him. She knew he didn't do the emotional shit, but that was fine.

Talking through it all with her brother and kids they had helped her to let go of her guilt. Carson and Mellie were happy for her, letting her know it was what them and their dad wanted, for her love and be happy again.

Looking around her room, she noticed it was different. Moving to her closet, she saw it was empty and then checked the dresser... 'Oi! Dipshit! Where's my stuff?..'.. She shouted, checking her bathroom, seeing her stuff gone from there too. When he didn't respond, she growled in annoyance, storming back into the open living room and kitchen, seeing him pouring drinks... 'Where's my shit?..'

'In our room, why?..'.. His words made her freeze for a moment.

'The fuck you mean, our room? I have a room, and I want my stuff back in there..'.. She pointed behind her.

'No. You move it, I'll just put it back..'.. He slid a glass to her, and picked his up... 'To cocks, frocks and socks!..'.. He drank it in one, seeing she didn't pick hers up... 'Don't be a pouty little bitch, it's gonna happen anyway, so why fight? Drink up, and let's get our shit and go..'.. He came around and slapped her ass hard, before heading to his room.

Astrid took deep breaths, clenching her fists. She needed to calm down, cause she was going to kill him. He knew how to push her buttons, and just one more irritating thing, she'd beat the shit out of him.

'You want the dildo or the vibrator? Meh, I'll pack both..'.. He called to her. Astrid pinched the bridge of her nose, and flicked her hand to her room, making everything return to where it was. Waving her hand again, she made a suitcase appear next to her, and she sat on the stool, folding her arms on the top, and resting her head on them.

Wade got his stuff together, and slung his bag over his shoulder, heading out back to Astrid. He could see her resting her head on the counter, but as he got closer, he realised she had fallen asleep, the drink untouched.

He couldn't help but smirk, as he carefully put his bag down, and gently scooped her up in his arms, and going back to his room, well, their room now. He placed her into bed, removing her shoes and pulling the cover over her. She still looked exhausted, and clearly needed the sleep.

Slipping out of the room, and pulling the door closed, he took out his phone, calling Loki.

'I take it she is with you?..'..

He walked to the windows, looking out at the darkness skyline, seeing the Marina in the distance... 'Yep. Don't know what you lot did, but thanks..'

'Wow, politeness and no cursing, it must have gone well..'.. Loki chuckled down the phone at him.

'I won't fuck this up..'.. Wade glanced to the bedroom door... 'But I am gonna marry her..'.. He heard Loki chuckle again.

'You have all of our blessing. All we ask, is that you do not let her kill, not for anyone or anything. Also, make sure she comes home often, and to the school, her family needs her..'...

'I won't let her go there, but sure I'll bring her home, as long as you got the good shit to drink..'.. Wade smirked, staring out the window. He finally asked what was really on his mind... 'Was Banner really ok, with me? He really wanted this?..'

He heard Loki take a deep breath... 'We all knew you love her, and she loves you. I do not know what it is you both share, but that is a bond, that no one else can give her, only you. You may act like nothing bothers you, but you have always been there for her, protected and cared for her. Wade, you actually died for her, but somehow, I believe she brought you back. She cannot live without you, and that in itself, says everything. She does love you, but she still needs some time, be patient..'..

Wade nodded to his reflection... 'So, there's no issue with me fucking the shit out of her then?..'

He heard Loki laugh... 'Be honest with yourself Wade, it is her that will be in charge, not you. But good luck handling her, you will need it..'

They talked a little longer, and then he hung up. Yeah, Wade played a big game, talked a lot of shit, but that woman in his bed, since he met her, he knew right then, he had found his best friend, someone who took the nightmares away. She never judged him for what he did, but had his back and dived right in with him. She was always there when he called, no matter what, she saved him more times than he could count, found him love in Vanessa.

He looked over to the door again, and smirked. He loved to push her buttons, knowing he could always rile her, but right now, seeing the condition she was in from her grief, all he wanted to do was hold her.

Kicking off his shoes, he turned all the lights off and headed into the bedroom. She was still there, sleeping peacefully. Stripping right off, cause no clothes of his was going to be a barrier, he climbed into bed the other side, and carefully pulled her into him.

For the first time, in decades, Wade had a peaceful night's sleep.


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