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The following morning, she laid in his arms, smiling happily. His arms around her, as her head was on her chest.

'You sure you can trust him?..'.. He asked, stroking her back.

'Gambit is an idiot, sure but I do trust him. He won't slip up. I'd rather have him assist than Wade..'.. She shifted, laying on her stomach, smiling at him.

'Its a good thing you stopped it, the idea of a super advanced AI with access to every piece of information out there in the world, doesn't fill me with ease..'..

'I couldn't let it happen..'.. She sighed... 'I may not be from this world, but its my home now, and yours. I can't allow things like this to happen, if I have the power to stop it..'

'This world doesn't deserve you..'.. He smiled, stroking her cheek.

'Thry don't deserve you either. I got to go round up the twins, they're misguided, but I can nudge them in the right direction. They can join the team, as much as I hate Thor, the others don't seem so bad..'.. She leaned her face into his touch, his thumb brushing against her bottom lip.

'Promise me you'll be safe. With Hydra still out there, if they know about you, they'll come for you..'.

'They can try. I love that you worry about me..'.. She giggled.

'I always will..'.. His phone pinged with a message and he sighed. Astrid shifted to move so he could sit up and check it... 'Yeah, I'm getting called in. See you tonight?..'.. He leaned in, kissing her softly and moaned, her finger sliding up into his hair, tugging him closer.

'You asking or telling?..'.. She pulled back, biting her lip as she gave him a playful look.

'Telling, always telling..'.. He chuckled. Astrid got out of bed, and waved her hand, dressing herself and then him.

'I'll be back tonight, sir..'.. Loving that gleam in his eyes and she winked... 'I love you..'.. She blew him a kiss as he said it back, and she teleported to her apartment.

She headed to her work room, and sat at her computer, running facial recognition on the twins. She would find them, help them. It wasn't their fault that they got involved in Hydra. They had lost their parents, and in their anger, made a mistake.

She didn't want anyone exploiting the two of them, it wasn't fair how cruel people could be. When her computer chimed, she leaned in, seeing where they were last spotted half hour ago. Pulling up photos of the city, she focused on a spot and teleported over.

Altering her image, she strode out of the alley, and into the street. She would find them, and help them, but first, she needed breakfast, as her noisy stomach was reminding her.


'Tony, have you even slept?..'.. Nats voice caused him to snap his head up, seeing her in the doorway of his lab.

'I'll sleep, when I find out who's fucked with Jarvis..'.. He growled out at her, turning back to his screens.

'Anthony Edward Stark, don't you ever take that tone with me..'.. He looked back over at her, seeing her angry... 'I came to check in on you, to make sure you're ok. You may get away with speaking to the others like that, but not me. I don't deserve it. We're friends, family, and if you ever so much as think of treating me like that again, I'll slap some respect into you, got it?..'

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