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Astrid watched as Loki paced about in her room, and she could tell he was worried. She had told him what had happened with their mother, and what was going to happen to her.

'Brother, please. I understand that I am asking a lot from you, and if you do not wish to take part, I will not hate you for it. You have taken Odins wrath for me, many times. I do not want you to take this burden too..'.. She sighed from her chair at her desk, and he turned to face her. She could see the love he had for her, as his face softened into a smile.

'Sister, I would gladly bear his wrath for all of eternity, if means you are safe. You do not deserve this. You are kind, loyal, compassionate, honest and most of all..'.. He walks to her, offering his hand and pulling her to her feet... 'You have the purest heart of anyone I know. You should be free to do as you wish, make the choices and mistakes. You have always put Asgard and its people first. Sister..'.. He sighs, making her look at him... 'You have done your duty, a thousand times over. I will not allow anyone to stop you from being free..'

Astrid smiled into his hand as he cupped her face... 'I love you Loki. You've always been my favourite..'.. He chuckled at her words and kissed her on the head.

'We must be quick with our plan. I know somewhere you can pass through to escape, though I do not know where you will end up..'.. He sighed, and they both sat on the edge of her bed.

'Anywhere is better than what they will choose for me. I do not understand it brother..'.. Astrid held onto his hand... 'I'm the goddess of Truth and nature, yet they wish to strip me of my powers and title, and hand me over like a prize. Something does not sit right about this..'

'And I will find out. But you must leave tonight. I will find you Astrid, and I will join you with Helga when we can. For now, your safety is more important than our questions..'.. Loki gives her hand a squeeze... 'Do not take anything with you, as that will be suspicious. I will lead you to the passage way..'

Astrid stood, walking around her room, making sure things looked believable. She kept her common attire on, and only the necklace that Loki had gotten her years ago, and the bracelet Helga made, were all that she was taking. Nothing else really mattered.

'I am ready brother..'.. She walked back over to him, and he conjured a projection of her sleeping in bed, should anyone wish to check on her. Astrid waved her hand, and covered herself with an illusion of a guard, leaving her room with Loki. The two walked silently through the Palace, heading out through the Eastern gate.

Astrid kept the illusion up, and smiled over at Loki. This was it, this was her getting free.


Thor watched from his balcony, as Loki walked away with a guard. He knew Loki was not fond of the guards, but yet here he was, strolling off through the forest with one.

He headed out of his room, to find out what was going on. Loki had been unusually quiet at supper, and yet again, his sister remained in her room. Thor thought her spoiled and selfish. She hardly left her chambers, and rarely did he see her in person. The whispers from the people, all agreed, she was spoiled and ignorant.

Thor was careful to remain in the shadows, following behind Loki. He had spent years, perfecting his skills, ready for battle. Seeing the two up ahead through the trees, they stop and Thor watches in shock, as the illusion is dropped and he sees his sister, standing there smiling happily at Loki.

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