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It had been a month since the convergence, where she had set a trail for Foster and Lewis to investigate, which led the Foster girl to find the aether, and became its host. Astrid knew that it was making her ill, and just as she knew he would, Thor returned to save his precious human. Astrid smiled, remembering when Foster slapped him, she liked the girl for doing so.

When Thor had called Heimdall to take them to Asgard, Astrid felt for the pathway, and traced its location, to a cave in Reigate. She knew she had to wait until the tourists had gone, but she slipped inside, heading in as far as she could, feeling for the energy.

With the convergence, this dormant pathway would now be active. Feeling the pulse, Astrid smiled, and slipped through. It pulled her, making her lose her breath and she tumbled to the ground, feeling grass beneath her fingers. Pushing herself up, she looked around, catching her breath.

She was back, and her heart began to race. Taking a step forward, she felt a shiver of magic wash over her, and she brushed it off, knowing that wasn't hers, or Lokis. It had to be Frigga, but why cast such a large spell, and what for?

Creating an illusion, she walked through the woods, realising exactly where she was. Her breathing quickened as flashes from that night came to her, as though it only happened yesterday. She found the clearing, that she had lost Helga in.

Astrid went to her knees, touching the spot where her friend was killed, and tears slipped from her... 'I'm so sorry, I failed to protect you..'... Astrid still wished she had her powers, but all she had was the magic. Conjuring an array of flowers, she placed them on the ground... 'I will avenge you my friend..'

Once she was done, she got to her feet, and set off for the palace. While she was there, she would take more books on magic, hoping to master her strengths. Teleportation, telepathy, levitation, hypnosis and astral projection were on the list of abilities for her to learn, before the chaos that ensued.

She would take the books back to earth, and learn everything she could. These abilities would come in handy for her plan. Ensuring that her illusion was in place, she looked like a maid, hoping no one would stop her.

Guards were running about, as were other palace staff, but she knew exactly where she wanted to go, to the library, then to Friggas chambers. She kept her head down, remembering how Helga would behave when they walked the palace. She missed her friend so much.

Once she reached the hallway for the library, she checked for anyone in the hall, and then slipped through the door. She knew she didn't have much time, but she hoped the books would still be where Loki told her they were.

Walking quickly through the stacks, she stopped, turning back and heading down the next one, down to the private tomes. It was as if it was calling to her, and she pushed through the magical barrier, reaching for the shelves. Her hands skimmed over the spines, until she stopped on one, pulling it free.

Frowning at the cover, she opened it, and saw it was about the lost realm, Heven. There were 10 realms, until Odin cut them off from the other realms and Yggdrasil. She didn't know why, but something was telling her to take the book. Hiding it with her magic, she made her way back to the stacks that held the books of she wanted.

Finding them all, she slipped them in with the book of Heven, and left the library. Hearing fighting to her left, she followed the sounds, staying in the shadows. Once she reached the private quarters, she hid behind a pillar, watching the scene in front of her play out.

The doors to Friggas rooms were open, and she could see creatures in there. She couldn't quite make out what was being said, but Thor came crashing into the room, shouting and blocking her view. Astrid hissed in hatred, that he was so close to her right now, but Odin quickly joined. That's when she noticed Friggas body on the floor.

'I hope you rot in Hel..'.. She muttered. Astrid knew she couldn't stay longer, but at least someone took care of the task for her. Just as she turned, she felt the magic in the air crackle and dissapate. It was as if she got hit in the chest, feeling her goddess powers back, and she had to stifle a gasp.

That bitch had bound Astrids powers from her, but then faded memories came rushing to the surface. Astrid fought to remain aware of where she was, and rushed from the palace, trying to remember the way back.

Once she reached the forest again, she collapsed to her knees, holding her head.



'You took the child? Why would you do such a thing?..'.. Friggas voice echoed in her head, as blurry images washed through.

'She killed Aldrif! A child for a child! Heven is banished, cursed!..'.. Odin roared.

'You will kill the child? Even you cannot be so cruel!..'..

'Death would be far to lenient for her. She would only return there. Erase her memories, she will remain here, for when she has use..'.. Odins voice was full of hate and anger.

'Another trophy child for you to use?..'.. Frigga sighed, moving in the images, as if closer to Astrid... 'And what of her powers?..'

As far as our people will know, she is our daughter. Keep her in the palace and under watch at all times..'.. Odin barked at his wife.

It was then she saw Friggas face come into view a sad look in her eyes... 'Forgive me child..'


Astrid gasped as other memories flashed though her, all a mix in her mind. She wasn't asgardian, she wasn't their daughter.

Gasping for breath, she frowned at the words, 'another trophy child'. What did they mean by that? Was there another taken? As far as she knew, it was her, Thor and Loki. Her breath caught, it was Loki.

He looked nothing like Odin and Frigga, not like Thor did. Astrid did have blonde hair almost white, and grey eyes, but Loki was different. He had always been different from Thor. Her heart was aching at the thought. Did Loki know?

Pushing to her feet, she stumbled the rest of the way to the small cavern that held the pathway back to earth. She had accomplished the first part of her plan, and got the books, not to mention that Frigga was dead, always a bonus. She didn't feel no sad emotions for the woman who was supposedly her mother, instead all she felt was relief.

Stopping in thought, she closed her eyes and focused, changing the water that ran through the realm. Opening her eyes, she grinned proudly before stepping into the cavern.

She had her powers back, and now, she would bring Odin to his knees. Poisoning the water, ensuring it would only target him, she chuckled. He would die a slow, painful death. Slowly losing his mind, all his fears will come to the surface, tormenting him.

Feeling the pull, she relaxed into it, hurtling back to earth. She couldn't wait to get started on part two.


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