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Astrid was tense, there was something strange, she could feel it, and it had her on edge. This was a trap, she knew that, and at the first sign of trouble, she was sending Bruce and her brothers back to the compound, she wasn't losing them.

She knew Bruce could feel her worries, and he took her hand, stroking his thumb across the back of her hand, and spoke through their bond, trying to assure her, that they were a team, and he would protect her.

When they reach the clearing, that was in the photo she had from the file Eric had brought, she couldn't help but twitch. It was as though she could feel the air thicken, and crackle with power, that wasn't hers or Lokis.

'I know you're here..'.. She took a step forward, calling out... 'My name is Astrid, I'm an angel..'.. She could feel the other three shift into defense mode, and turned her head, seeing them back to back, looking around.

'Look, I just need to know if you're like me, or if you know who I am..'.. She called again, and felt a slight tremor beneath her feet.

'You are a long way from home..'... A male voice echoed around them, and the trees moved slightly, as though a breeze brushed through them.

'It may be where I was born, but this world is my home..'.. She spoke again, trying to see if there was anyone there.

'What is the name you were given, by the tyrant who stole you?..'.. The trees swayed again, as the voice drifted around them.

'Astrid. My friends, my family call me Asti..'.. She kept close to the other three, seeing Thor grip Mjolnir tight, Loki with his daggers ready and she could feel Bruce fighting for control.

'That is not the name you were born with. Amaline started the war, power hungry, and she stole a child from Asgard, in hopes of bringing the realm to its knees. Odin retaliated, with the might of his throne, and banished the realm, but not before finding his daughter dead, at the base of Amalines throne..'..

Astrid glanced to Thor and Loki, seeing that neither one knew of that either.

'He tore through Heven, ensuring that none would remain, but many escaped. We did not want a war, we wanted peace. Odin took you from Heven, the rightful ruler, Seline, daughter of Amaline..'..

Well shit, she was a ruler, thst is if she believed this guy. She didn't want to, but something was telling her, he spoke the truth, if he was like her, he couldn't lie.

'Who are you?..'.. She asked, taking a step forward, a few feet from the other three.

'You would not remember, as you were young, but I remember you. I can feel your power..'.. She saw the trees to their left move, as though they were parting, and out stepped a man, who was absolutely beautiful, she couldn't deny that. His wings were out, a slightly dusty shade of grey, and he rolled his shoulders, pulling them in.

'My queen..'.. He bowed his head to her, clasping his hands in front of him.

'Please don't call me that. I'm not a queen, I'm just Astrid..'.. She sighed, moving back to Bruce's side.

'Forgive me, but that is what you are. My name is Javriel, you do not remember, but I was your friend. Though you were not allowed any, you and I kept our friendship a secret..'..

Astrid frowned, thinking back and she remembered a young boy, hiding away in the corner of a room, as an older woman scolded her. They were meant to run, to run away. She didn't want to be there, didn't want the life she was forced to have.

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