spring fever

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It was a beautiful spring morning. The sun was shining, the flowers were blooming, the bluebirds were singing and...


Harper was sneezing. She was covered up in blankets, a tissue box was by her bed. She had been sick for a couple of days so all she had to do was lie in bed and stare at the ceiling. Either that or take a nap. Just then, there was a knock at the door.

"I'm not hungry, mom"

"Well sorry to disappoint but I'm not your mom," the voice replied.

Confused, she looked up to see the door open to reveal a seventeen year old blonde haired boy.

"Mind if I come in?"

"Griffin! Yeah of course,"

He entered the room, before closing the door behind him.

"These are for you," He said, as he handed her a small bouquet of fresh red roses.

She sniffed the flowers, inhaling the sweet smelling fragrance.

"These are beautiful," She complimented.

"That's not all," He said, as he searched his backpack.

Harper wondered what on earth did he pack in his bag.

"Let's see, I got some food. Blueberry muffins, Brownies-"

"Did you go to my mom's café before you came here?"

"No," He said.

She raised her eyebrow at him, knowing it wasn't true.

"Okay, I did" He admitted.

"Well, blueberry muffins are my favourite so I'll take those-"

"Hey! There's a reason I got two,"  He said, grabbing it before she snatched it.

He continued searching his bag, and got a stack of dvds.

"You got me...dvds?" She asked.

"What? I know you still your TV still has the dvd player so I thought I'd give you some of my dvds," He said.

"Alright, so what are today's specials?" Harper teased.

"Let's see...we have ET, the Goonies, Pirates of the Caribbean: on stranger tides and to top it all of..."

He dramatically revealed a dvd which Harper took from his grasp.

"Um a dog that can play basketball?" She asked, not knowing what was so great about the dvd.

His face fell, now looking at her.

"Not just any dog. It's Air Buddy. He played Basketball, Football and Baseball. I would want a Golden Retriever Dog like Air Buddy,"

"Well dream on cause that'll never happen,"

"Jeez, alright dreamkiller. I thought you were sick?"

"Griffin, I only have a cold. I haven't lost my voice,"

He chuckled, rolling his eyes.

"And now...the special part of the get well soon package. I present to you..." He dramatically announced, as he stuck his hand deep into his bag.

He finally retrieved a big, brown teddy bear.

"You brought Mr. Snuggles?" She teased.

"Well he always was a good companion when I was sick so I thought he'll keep you company," He said, handing her the stuffed bear.

"This is so sweet, thank you!" She said, cuddling Mr Snuggles in her arms.

"Anything for my girl," He winked, making Harper blush like crazy.

He placed his bag down, and he took a seat on her bed in front of her.

"How are you feeling, anyway?" He asked.

"Well you know still under the weather but...I do feel better now you're here,"

"I do tend to have that affect on people," He joked.

They both shared a laugh.

"Thank you, Griffin. You didn't have to. The roses, the food, the dvds and Mr. Snuggles.  This is all too much," She said.

"Well you need the best care so you can get better," He said.

Then, Griffin leaned in and gave Harper a quick peck on the lips. She smiled into the kiss before they pulled away.

"Did I ever tell you that you're the best boyfriend?" She asked. Harper's words hung in the air for a moment, and Griffin flashed her a warm smile.

"You might have mentioned it once or twice," he replied with a playful grin. "But it's worth repeating,"

He laughed, as Harper playfully shoved him. She may be sick but she's still strong. She moved and patted a seat next to her. Griffin moved from his position and sat next to her on the bed. He glanced at her.

"You're really cute when you're sick, you know that?"

"I don't feel cute," She muttered.

"Well, you are" He smirked, as he kissed her forehead.

Harper couldn't help but blush.

"Anytime. Besides, I'm your best friend and boyfriend so it's kind of like my job,"

She gave him a sweet smile, one which he returned.

"Alright so, what should we watch first, milady?" He asked, grabbing all the dvds.

"Griffin, you don't have to spend your Saturday with me while I'm sick and stuck in bed,"

"What boyfriend would I be if I didn't spend every bit of my Saturday, making my girlfriend feel better?" He asked, giving a playful grin.

"Well then I guess we should watch Air Bud first,"

"Why a very good choice, milady. I agree"

"You would have chosen Air Bud even if I chose anything else right?" She teased.

He look at her then she raised her eyebrows at him.

"You know me so well," He sighed.

"I know," She admitted proudly.

The two laid in bed together, watching the movie while they munched on their blueberry muffins. They laughed, smiled and even gave each other quick pecks on the lips. Harper definitely felt like the luckiest girl in the world to have a boyfriend like Griffin!

Word count : 904
This is a little short but hope you guys enjoy <3. I'm going to go on my break soon so last oneshot will be up by 31st Sept! So if yall have any requests,  pls message me. Love yall and hope you have a great day ahead <3.

griffin x harper (soss) friends to lovers  - harfin oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now