back from 2024

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Griffin opened his room door. He closed it and went towards his bed. He sat on the soft mattress, looking around. It was good to be home. Good thing he got back in time before anyone could figure it out. He sighed as he lied on his back. He had a lot to process. He just found that he put Topher in coma, His mom had this 'break from reality' and worse of all...he and Harper are no longer friends.

He could never imagine Harper out of his life. I mean they were best friends. Lately, he's been seeing her as more than that. He's had a crush on her since he first met her. He just didn't realized it until they almost kissed three weeks ago. When he was in the future, he would be lying if he said he hadn't been thinking about her. He missed her...a lot. Just then, there was a knock on the door. This broke his train of thoughts, making him sit up.

"Come in" He said.

Harper appeared from the other side.

"Hey" He said, grinning at her.

"Hey, can I come in?" She asked.

"Yeah sure..."

She closed the door behind her. Then, she took her seat right next to him. She noticed that her best friend seemed a little down.

"You okay?" She asked, feeling concerned.

"Yeah..." He said, biting his lip.

Harper raised her eyebrows.

"Okay not's just...a lot to take in you know from what I saw in 2024-"



There was an awkward silence between them. Then Harper spoke up again.

"I really hate you? In the future?" She asked, in a soft tone.

"Yeah that's what...hurt me the most"

"Well...we're gonna fix this. I'm not going to lose my best friend" She smiled.

He smiled. Then Harper punched him pretty hard in the arm.

"Ow!" He whimpered.


"Relax Jeez. Didn't have to punch me" He said, jokingly.

They both started laughing. Harper then headed towards the door, Griffin following her.

"I was really worried about you" She said, turning her back towards the closed door to face him.

Griffin felt his heart missed a beat.

"You don't have to worry about me"

"Why wouldn't I? You're my best friend" She chuckled.

Griffin smiled. He really loved her laugh. When she stopped, they both stared into each others eyes.

Without realizing, they both started to lean in.

She pushed her back against the door for support. Griffin made his move by cupping her cheek, pulling her close. He swore that his face was already on fire, ready to explode. They were inches away, about to kiss when...

Harper's phone rang. It made them jump and back away from each other. Harper took her phone, checking who messaged her.

"It's my mom. I should go" She said, turning around to open the door.

"Yeah-" He said.

He followed her outside his room. As she made her way down the hallway, he called out to her.

"See you tomorrow?"

"You know you will" She smirked, making her way to the stairs.

He chuckled and smirked to himself. He then went inside his room, shutting the door behind him. He smiled to himself before he decided to get ready for bed.

Word count: 600
This happens like after Griffin returns to the future. Basically in the third episode after he, Harper, Wyatt and Zoey get caught by Mr. Campbell in the bunker. This is a little short but I'll promise to write longer for the next one. Stay tuned loves <3

griffin x harper (soss) friends to lovers  - harfin oneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora