belle of the ball

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Part two of the cinderella story oneshot! Enjoy loves <3

"Miss Dunn, we've arrived"

Harper looked out the carriage to see they were approaching. It looked so beautiful with all the decorations hung. Once they stopped right in front, Mr George stepped down from the carriage. He offered his hand to Harper as he helped her down the carriage.

She then made her way up the stairs. When she reached the top, she could see that the ballroom was not far from where she stood. She took a deep breath and entered the building ready for the ball.


Meanwhile, the ball was going well. People wore their best clothes and are having the time of their life on the dance floor. Well not everyone was really enjoying themselves. 16 year old, Griffin Campbell was sitting at this family's table, scrolling through this phone. He wore a black tux that matched with his new polished shoes. It was boring without his best friend. Harper couldn't make it so he wasn't really into the party mood. Just then, the twins and Topher came to sit with him.

"My feet are killing me" Wyatt complained.

"I think you outdanced yourself" Zoey laughed.

Just then, everyone started to whisper and stare. The four left their table and decided to see what was going on. That's when Zoey gasped, getting the guys attention.

"She's so beautiful." She commented.

Griffin turned around to see what and his heart stopped. A girl with curly brown hair, wearing a white gown was coming down the stairs. Time seemed to have stop for him. He had never seen a girl so beautiful well of course other than...Harper. He really wished she was here tonight but he also had the curiosity to find out who that girl is. He pushed through the crowd, trying to get to the person.


Harper entered the ballroom and soon all eyes were on her. She climbed down the stairs, lifting her skirt a little so it was easier to walk. She smiled to herself. She really felt like the bell of the ball. In simple words, she really did feel like Cinderella. She made her way through the crowd, when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and her heart missed a beat. It was Griffin! She admired how good he looked in his tux.

"You really know how to make an entrance, I take it" He joked.

Harper giggled. She loved it when he made jokes.

"You can say that"

"Since it's really um...noisy in here you wanna...head outside?"

"Sure why not?" She grinned.

They both left the hall and went outside into the garden. It was a peaceful night. They walked through an archway with awkward silence. That's when Griffin spoke up.

"So...what's your name?"

"Griffin. Griffin Campbell"

"Nice to meet you, Griffin" She said, smiling softly and blushing under her mask

"So do you have a name or are you just going to keep it a secret?"

Harper knew she couldn't tell anyone especially Griffin that it was her. If she did, she could get into some serious trouble especially by her mom.

"I like to be mysterious" She commented.

"Oh I see how it is" He joked, playfully.

She giggled and turned to smile at him. She was really enjoying the night. Just her and Griffin. She knew she cared for him but she just didn't consider him more as a friend. Now, her feelings were all over the place.

"Have we met before?"

Oh no.

"No I don't think we have"

"Huh? just look familiar to a person I really care about"

Hearing this, Harper felt something inside her. She felt her heart break like it had been shattered into little pieces. Griffin has feelings for someone else and that person isn't her.


Just then, the orchestra outside started playing. Griffin extended his hand out.

"May I have this dance milady?" He asked.

"Yes, you may" She replied, with a cute giggle.

She took his hand then he pulled her close. Now, they were dancing underneath the moonlight and the shining stars. Harper laughed as he spun her around and flashed one of his goofy grins. She felt that this was right. Could it be her prince charming? I guess she'll see.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Ask away"

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" He asked, staring at her lovingly.

She blushed and looked down. She thought about it before looking back at him.

"I'll let you know" she said.

He answered with a grin as he spun her around. He dipped her slowly and time stopped for the two. They both started to lean in. They were interrupted by the strikes of the big clock. Harper turned to it and her eyes grew big.

"Oh no" she muttered.

It was midnight! She knew she had to get back.

"I'm sorry...I have to go"

She released herself from his grasp and started running, lifting her skirt to help her go faster.

"Wait where are you going?" He called out to her.

She couldn't hear him. He then started chasing after her. Harper pushed her way through the crowd and hurried up the stairs. Griffin spotted her and tried to catch up. She went to the entrance and saw her carriage was waiting. Not being careful, one of her white laced up shoes slipped off. She turned around and panicked.

However, she didn't have time. She jumped into the carriage and quickly took of into the night. Griffin caught up to her but it was too late. She was out of sight. Then, he realised something. He saw a white shoe abandoned on the last step. He picked it up and realised that the girl wore this. He knew he had to find this girl and now he had what he needed to assist him.


Savannah was helping Harper's Aunt, Rachel clean up the cafe. It was already midnight which meant Harper's mom would be home soon. Just then, the bell rang. They both turned to see that it was Harper. She looked too happy and floated through the cafe. She took off her mask and sat on one of the chairs. She sunk into them and smiled, dreamily.

"Someone had fun I'm guessing?" Rachel grinned.

"It was the most magical night ever" she replied.

Savannah took a seat, next to her.

"Did you meet your prince charming?"

Harper blushed at this.

"Yeah, you can say that" she said, sweetly.

Savannah got up, knowing she should go before Harper's mom and brother return. They hugged for a last time.

"Thank you for making this possible" she whispered.

"Anytime" Savannah smiled, as they broke from their hug "If you need a fairy godmother again, you know where to find me".

Harper laughed. As they said their final goodbyes, Savannah left the cafe. Harper quickly changed back into her clothes and apron, with the help of her aunt. Just in time, they came back.

"Great job! This place looks spotless" she complimented.

Good thing, she didn't suspect anything out of the ordinary. Later when she laid in bed, Harper realised it wasn't a dream and that it actually happened. She smiled as she drifted off to sleep.

Word count: 1204
I really enjoyed writing this yall have no idea. It felt so real and magical. Stay tuned for the third part btw <3. Love yall hope u enjoyed this!

griffin x harper (soss) friends to lovers  - harfin oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now