white wedding pt 3

198 3 12

Ms. Dunn was in her room, lying down on her bed. She's been feeling sick lately and she knew why. She even went to the doctor to confirm. Now, she just had to find the right time to tell-


She slowly sat up when she saw her daughter standing by the door.

"How's your headache?" Harper asked.

She approached her mom then took a seat beside her.

"It's getting better. Why do you ask?"

"Just wanted to ask that's all,"

Jess nodded slowly. Then out of the blue, Harper blurted something out.

"Does your headache have anything to do with your pregnancy?"

Ms. Dunn's eyes grew wide before she whipped around to face her daughter.

"What?" She asked, letting out an awkward laugh "What do you mean?"

"The doctor called but you were lying down so I picked up. She told me,"

Her mom stood from the bed and went to close the room door.

"Mom, why didn't you tell me? This is the kind of thing you should tell your daughter"

She sighed as she sat on the bed, next to Harper.

"It's not like I didn't want to tell you, I was just trying to find the right time,"

"When did you find out?"

"Three weeks ago,"

Harper couldn't believe that her mom was keeping this from her for weeks now. Although, it kinda clicked and made a lot of sense.

"Wait, so that Friday night we went out for dinner and you threw up in the restaurant. That wasn't because of a bad burrito?"

"Yes, it wasn't,"

Harper nodded her head, understanding.

"Does Andrew know?"

Ms. Dunn hesitated, which made gave Harper her answer.

"Wait, wait, wait. You didn't even tell   him yet? The man who you're getting married tomorrow by the way and gonna spend the rest of your life with. AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO TELL HIM FIRST THING THAT YOU'RE HAVING HIS BABY?!" Harper asked, raising her voice a little at the last sentence.

"Harper, calm down. Breathe," She said.

Ms. Dunn  grabbed her daughter's shoulders and took deep breaths with her. Once she calmed down, she spoke up.

"I was actually going to talk to him later after he comes back from his bachelor party,"

Harper nodded her head again, still not able to get the words to come out of her mouth.


That was all she could say. She was going to have another little sister or brother. Although, she hopes that it'll be a girl. She can't deal with another brother in the house. She almost on the verge of killing her brother. Twice. Ms. Dunn looked at the clock on her bedstand, which made her immediately stand up.

"It's 6 already? I have to get ready. My bridesmaids want to take me out for dinner. I'll only be back around 12 since we'll probably end up going to a bar,"

"Well, remember you're a pregnant woman now. You can't drink"

"Oh crap! I forgot but that won't stop me from having fun,"

"Yeah but don't have too much fun,"

The mother and daughter laughed before Ms. Dunn started getting her clothes.

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