so it wasn't a dream

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Griffin Campbell was still fast asleep, covered in thick, cozy blankets. He was having the best dream. He and Harper became an item through a video call. It sounded crazy but he didn't care. He loved every second of it, not wanting to wake up. Well until...


The teenager woke up alarmed, to two giants jumping on him. Those giants happened to be his siblings.

"Jeez, guys. Can't a guy sleep?"

"It's 11 am in the morning, Griffin. It's about time you get up," Zoey said.

"That's not the point. Mum's back! Dad picked her up this morning" Wyatt said, excitedly.

Hearing his mom had returned from hospital, Griffin pushed the twins over and leapt out of bed. He dashed out the door to see his mom.

"We should have just said that in the first place," Wyatt said before he and Zoey chased after him.

The three siblings flew down the stairs. When they spotted their mom, they lunged at her with tight hugs.

"Mom! You're back!" Wyatt exclaimed.

"I missed you guys so much"

"We missed you too Mom," Griffin said, smiling.

They wouldn't stop suffocating their mom with embracing hugs until they thought they should let her breathe.

"Well, you know what since your mom's back from the hospital, why don't we go out for a nice lunch?"

"I think that's a good idea, Ben. Alright, you three go get ready,"

The three rushed up the stairs, pushing each other so they can get into the bathroom first.

Time skip:

The Campbells decided to have lunch at the Dunn Café. Zoey wore a red blouse, with a simple black skirt. Wyatt wore a green long sleeve shirt with dark jeans and Griffin wore a white shirt, a blue short-sleeve flannel over it along with jeans as well. They decided to sit outside. Ms. Dunn came over to greet them as soon as she saw them sit down.

"How are you doing, Sarah?"

"Feeling much better, Jess" 

The adults chatted for awhile, so Wyatt and Zoey went their way to go find Topher. Griffin looked around until his eyes landed on Harper, who was helping to clean tables. She was wearing a black and white varsity jacket, with blue jeans. Her curly hair flew because of the gentle breeze.

"Gosh, did she look pretty," Griffin thought.

He kept thinking about the dream he had earlier. Why did it seem so real? Like it actually happened? Did they actually become boyfriend and girlfriend over the phone? It can't be it was just a dream. Or was it?

Just then, Harper looked up and saw Griffin looking at her. He wanted to turn away, so he wouldn't get caught but he couldn't. She set down the cloth on the table, before making her way towards him. When he noticed this, he got up and did the same.


That was the only word the two said to each other, before going back to awkward silence. Griffin thought he would start the conversation.

"So...I see you're helping your mom out today,"

"Yeah you know it's really busy today so I thought I'd help out," She said.

He nodded his head.

"I see your mom's doing okay," She said, as she glanced over at his mom.

"Yeah she just came back this morning,"


Griffin decided to ask her about what happened last night, well technically today. At 1am. He wanted to know if he actually dreamt that.

"Hey so just you know out of curiosity...I was wondering do you remember anything that happened? Specifically at 1am?"

Harper thought about it for a while.

"Well...we did have a facetime. We were talking about some stuff then-"

That's when she realized.

"Then what?" Griffin asked.

Harper crossed her arms, across her chest before she gazed up into his eyes.

"You said you loved me and we item,"

"Wait as in boyfriend and girlfriend?"

She just nodded her head, to confirm it. Griffin couldn't believe it.

"So it wasn't a dream," He muttered.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Oh...well um I had a dream you know about us getting together through facetime. I must have been totally tired that I thought it was a dream,"

"Wait so...are we together?" She asked, pointing to him then back at her.

Griffin hesitated for a while. He wanted to get together with Harper. More than anything. He didn't even know why he was hesitating.

"Well, I guess we can I mean if you want. All I know is," He said, as he took her hands into his "I love you and even if you don't want to start a relationship I'm totally fine with it. But it will never change my feelings for you,"

Harper couldn't help blush. She felt so shy to meet his gaze that she looked down at the floor.

"So you know if you want to get together then sure but you know if you don't want to I completely understand. We can still be best friends and I wouldn't mind honestly-"

He got cut off when Harper leaned forward and kissed him. When she pulled away, he saw that his face was as red as a tomato.

"Will you ever shut up?" She teased, letting out a laugh.

"Someday I will," He answered, playfully.

The two shared a laugh, still holding hands.

"So...will you be my girlfriend, Harper Dunn?" He asked.

"Griffin Campbell, I would love to be your girlfriend,"

He was overjoyed, he hugged Harper and picked her up. They spun around a few times before he put her down.

"So what now?" Harper asked.

"Well...We could you know tell our parents about us or-"

He placed his hands on her waist, before pulling her closer.

"I could kiss you again," He smirked.

Harper pretended to think about it.

"I think I'll take the second option,"

Their lips met again. This time the kiss was more relaxed and deeper. Harper wrapped her arms around his neck. When they pulled away, the pair turned to see the shocked looks on their parents faces. Topher and Wyatt had their jaws to the floor, feeling disgusted. Zoey couldn't help but beam like a ray of sunlight, smiling so big. She clapped her hands and jumped up and down like a kid on christmas morning.

"About time, lovebirds!" She screamed.

The people that were dining in the café clapped for them as well. They even heard some hoots and hollers.

They laughed, as Harper buried her face in her boyfriend's chest. Clearly, she was embarrassed and now feeling shy about the attention they were getting. Griffin just chuckled, thinking Harper was adorable when she was embarrassed. He hugged her, with her face still buried in his chest.

After some time, Harper finally came out of hiding, as she looked up to meet Griffin's eyes.

"Are we going to tell Savannah about us?" She asked.

"Hmm I don't know. I think we'll let her find out on her own. Seems more fun that way,"

The two laughed. I guess you can say today would be definitely be  memorable for the new couple!

Word count: 1202
This is actually a part two of 'late night calls'. Hope you all enjoy and happy reading!

griffin x harper (soss) friends to lovers  - harfin oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now