white wedding pt 4

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Harper woke up, glancing at her alarm clock. This was it! Today was her mom's wedding. A smile spread across her face. She leaped out of bed, overjoyed. She stepped over Savannah, who was still sound asleep, to get to the door. As she went down the stairs, she heard voices. It sounded like there was an argument going on. She soon recognized the voices, knowing they belonged to her mom and...

"Andrew?" She asked, her eyes soon growing large.

She hurried to the kitchen, still in her pj's. She stumbled into the kitchen to find a blonde middle-aged woman, sitting near the dining table. She seemed really nervous and uptight. When Harper rubbed her tired eyes, she instantly recognized her.

"Ms Quinn? What are you doing here and what's going on?" She asked.

"Well, Harper there's just a small conflict going on now but there's nothing you should worry about,"

Nothing to worry about? She hurried over to the kitchen counter, where her mom and Andrew were arguing. There was also Andrew's brother, Leo trying to resolve the conflict between the two.

"Andrew? What are you doing here? It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding," Harper asked, sounding worried and anxious.

"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant, Jess?"

Jess immediately turned to Harper.

"Harper, did you tell?"

"I swear I didn't-"

"She didn't have to Jess. I overheard the girl's conversation when I came by yesterday to pick up something,"

Jess started massaging her forehead, looking stress while Andrew looked mad. Well not mad but he still looked pretty upset by his face.

"Why don't we all take a deep breath and try to resolve this in a more quieter-"

"We need to talk but we're not doing it here!" Jess said, raising her voice a little.

"No, we are going to talk about this now-"

"NOT HERE!" Jess shouted, before she stormed out the door, slamming it shut.

Andrew grunted, furiously as he fled the kitchen, doing the same thing.


Savannah and Leo were outside, blowing purple and silver balloons for the wedding car. Harper on the other hand, was leaning against the car looking a little worried about earlier. Leo felt bad when he noticed. Then, He had a funny idea to cheer her up.

"Hey, Harper! Check this out,"

He got her attention before he inhaled some air from his balloon.

"Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl," He started singing "With yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there. She would merengue and do the cha-cha-"

Savannah couldn't help but laugh. She inhaled air from her balloon too.

"You sound like a chipmunk that can't sing," She joked.

Leo felt insulted and released the rest of the air out, into her face. The two couldn't stop their laughter. However, Harper wasn't laughing and still looked miserable.

"Harper! Come and get ready,"

Ms Quinn came out of the house. She was wearing her bridesmaid dress, a simple silk purple dress with a scarf wrapped around her neck. Leo couldn't help but stare.

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