white wedding

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Hey guys! I've been watching this show 'Degrassi' again and forgot how good and relatable it is <3. I was watching an episode and my mind instantly clicked with an idea for this one-shot book. I won't write the exact details as in following the episode I got inspo from. I present to you...part one! Enjoy and happy reading <3

Ring Ring Ring!

Harper groaned as she woke up to her loud alarm clock. She rubbed her tired eyes. She glanced at her alarm clock. It was '9:30'. It seemed like today was something important but she just couldn't remember what. Well she wasn't at school not because she wasn't sick. It was another reason. Her mom told her yesterday.

That's when it hit her. Her eyes grew wide in realization. She leapt out of bed, and headed into the shower. As she left the bathroom, she was rushing to pull up her blue jeans. She rushed down the stairs all dressed up. She wore a simple white top, with a black jacket over.


She started to run all around the house, like a clueless chicken. Just then, she found her mom by the door.

"There you are! I thought you left without me"

"Harper, calm down!" Jess laughed "Remember to take a deep breath"

She went over to the kitchen to grab a snack.

"There's something I need to pick up at the pharmacy"

"Oh my gosh, what is it? Are you sick? We can't have you sick-"

"Harper, breathe okay? Relax it's just a headache"

Her daughter let out a big sigh of relief. She grabbed a pile of papers and carefully tucked them in a white file.

"Okay, we're gonna be late. We have so much to do before tomorrow!" Harper said, as she headed towards the door.

Jess was amused about her daughter's behaviour. Usually she was suppose to be the frantic busy one. Now, seems like Harper has taken the wheels.

"Come on, we'll be late" She said, pushing Jess towards the front door.

"Okay, okay." She laughed, as she grabbed her car keys.

Harper and her mom rushed and quickly got into the car. Then, they sped off into the driveway.

Before you could even blink, Jess pulled her car in front of Sulphur Springs High School. Harper got the folder in one hand. The other was her shoes, which were held at the tip of her fingers.

"I'll be out soon okay!"

"Alright, Harper!"

With that, Harper quickly dashed through the doors of her school.


"So, are you coming tomorrow?"

Best friends, Savannah Dillon and Griffin Campbell were making their way down the hallway. They were heading to their next period.

"Is that even a question? Of course, I am. This seemed like big deal for Harper"

"Uh huh? Harper" Savannah teased.

He gave her a playful shove, while casually rolling his eyes.

"Look, I know you have a big, fat crush on her. It's so obvious"

"First of, never talk about my crush in public. You know how high school is, words can spread fast here. Second, it is not that obvious"

He turned to the blonde girl, who was raising her eyebrows.

griffin x harper (soss) friends to lovers  - harfin oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now