give us another chance

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Harper left the homecoming dance in 2024, deciding she had enough for a Friday night. She was walking on the sidewalk, but little did she know that someone was following her. 

"Harper"  A voice called out to her. 

She recognized it instantly. It was none other than Griffin Campbell. Out of all people, it just had to be him. She ignored his voice and went on her way. 

"Harper, please just wait a second"

She stopped in her tracks. She huffed in annoyance, deciding to give in. She turned around, seeing him hurrying towards her. Funny, wasn't he wearing something else earlier? She shook off the feeling, as he approached. 

" you wanna say anything?" She asked, her arms crossed. 

"Harper, I'm sorry. I just want to make things right-"

"Making things right? Griffin please don't you think it's a little too late for that?"

"Look, you don't think about it everyday? It's my last thought before I sleep and the first thing I think about when I wake up. You really think I wanted any of this? Harper, you know what I would never hurt you..." 

He tried to take her hand but she pulled away, too quick for him.

"Well you did" She stated, coldly.

Griffin looked down in shame, feeling guilty. He knew Harper was right! He did hurt her. But this doesn't mean he was going to give up. Even if it's been four years, when it comes to Harper, giving up was the last thing on his mind.

"I know and I'm sorry. I'm willing do anything, to get your forgiveness. I mean it" He said, sounding like he might tear up.

Harper felt like she was hit with a wave of sympathy. Griffin was her best friend and even if he did something that hurt her so bad, she still wanted to just hug him and tell him she forgives him. However, it wasn't going to be easy.


"Just please, Harper! Give me, give us another chance" He choked, trying hard to fight his tears.

This time, when he reached out for her hands, she let him.

"I want to forgive you's going to take some time. I'm so sorry"

She left him, alone underneath a street lamp. She couldn't help but let tears roll down her cheek. Griffin wiped his tears, with his hand. He knew that he was going to get Harper's forgiveness back. One way or another.

Whatever it takes, he's going to make sure that they get another chance at being friends.

Word count: 458
Ik this is kinda short but omg this was literally so hard to write like I had tears forming in my eyes </3. Anyways hope you liked it Sossfan !!

griffin x harper (soss) friends to lovers  - harfin oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now