The End

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That's it! You've reached the end of three dozen years of poetic toil (if you ignore all of the self-censored corpses on the cutting room floor, at least - trust me, you don't want to meet those twice-dead mutterings in any of the countless dark alleys where I've scattered their ashes).

To those of you who've shared the journey with me here on Wattpad, thank you. I've enjoyed the trip down memory lane as I've posted these updates for you every Friday. I may still crack open the pages here every now and again to add a re-discovered rhyme or, God forbid, something new.

For those addicts of the written word who need a more constant fix, I'll be shifting my Friday postings over to some of my stage plays. On my Wattpad account, you can already find the libretto to "montepio", my ambitious Broadway-style musical about a Communist revolution on a Latin American coffee plantation.

As of today, I've also published the pre-amble to "The Turing Tape", my madcap conspiracy theory in one act that re-imagines the fascinating life and tragic death of Alan Mathison Turing, a remarkable WW2 cryptanalyst, mathematician, and computing pioneer ultimately persecuted by the British government for his homosexuality. I wrote the play in 2004 to honour the 50th anniversary of his death. You might recognize him from the movie "The Imitation Game," which came out a decade later.

So join me in "The Turing Tape" - I'll be releasing new scenes every Friday. =o)

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