Intensive Care

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"Intensive Care"

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"Intensive Care"

My father, floating like a shattered barge

on a morphine ocean, pipes

flowing from his nose like a conduit, more

machine than man, his breathing

like the thud of a bilge pump.

I imagine you overflowing like a sink plugged.

Two tablespoons of salt, mother always said.

Apply boiling water to the drain.

Wait five minutes... Repeat.

If it doesn't work, try a plunger.

Place it over the nose and mouth,

force water into the lungs

then draw it out.

In the womb we breathed water, father,

and pissed air.

Suck in your gut, boy!

Look sharp!

It's a world out there!

Don't wear a tie!

If all else fails,

belly laugh!

Now, go tell your mother you love her.

"He loves you, mom..."

Good boy.

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