Day 8: Amnesia

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Donald Na survived getting hit by a truck but it resulted in him losing his memories. Despite this, Kingsley still remained loyal to Donald. Kingsley thought Donald would at least be safe while he was hospitalized, but Myles tried to yet again cause him trouble. Kingsley had arrived in the nick of time and prevent Myles from entering Donald's room.

Kingsley begged Ben Park for help. He knew he had no right after all the troubles that the Union had caused, but Kingsley was desperate. He got down on his knees, pressed his forehead to the floor, and begged.

Ben had seen how innocent and childlike Donald Na now was due to lacking all of the memories that had shaped his personality. Donald Na was indeed now the mind of an innocent child trapped in a seventeen year old former criminal overlord's body. He pitied Donald and agreed. 

After Donald was fit enough to attend school, Kingsley transferred him to Eunjang and into Ben and Alex's homeroom. The Eungang were very awkward around Donald, but they tried their best to treat Donald as if he were a different person.

Donald ended up befriending Kenny Ji at physical therapy. Kenny knew who Donald was but sympathized with his situation, so he treated him with kindness. When Jake, Dean, and Timothy arrived to pick Kenny up, they were shocked by the new friendship. Jake used the chance to corrupt Donald by introducing him to the world of anime and manga.

Many of Donald's enemies attempted to attack Donald, but he always had one of his friends nearby to protect him. They wanted to get revenge on the now vulnerable teenager. Kingsley considered moving him and Donald to a whole new city to get away from everyone who has known them, but he knew Donald would be devastated if he had to leave his friends so they stayed.


One night, Cheongang attacked. The Eungang had just been walking along the Han River and were ambushed by several Cheongang members, including their former leader, Janghyeok Woo. Ben ordered Eugene and Donald to run since those two weren't fighters. There were too many Cheongang members in the area but the two managed to hide in an alley.

Unfortunately, the Cheongang members found them. One of them cut Eugene along the chest with a knife. Donald knelt down beside his friend as Eugene cried in pain. Rage filled Donald's eyes as he managed to snatch the knife away and defeated all of the Cheongang members that had gone after them.

"Eugene..." Donald took off his jacket and did his best to wrap it around Eugene's wounds to try to lessen the blood loss. He carefully picked Eugene up and sprinted to the nearby hospital. After dropping Eugene off, he returned to the Han River.

The Eungang were strong, but they were outnumbered and their stamina could only last for so long. Donald could tell that his friends were already exhausted, including Ben. "HEY!" Donald shouted, drawing their attention. "Your target is me, right? Come at me!"

Donald dealt with the remaining Cheongang members, including Changhui Han and Janghyeok Woo. He didn't care about any of the wounds he suffered during the fight and endured the pain until all of his enemies were unconscious.

"DONALD!" Ben caught him as his legs gave in.

"Eugene' the hospital..." Donald informed them. "They cut him with...a knife..."


When Donald regained conscious, he was in the same hospital room at Eugene. "You're awake," Eugene smiled at him. "The others just left but I can call them—"

"It's fine," Donald said. "Eugene, how are you feeling?"

"Fortunately the cut wasn't too deep but it'll scar," Eugene answered. 

"I'm sorry,"

"Donald, it's not your fault," Eugene told him. "You—"

"I sent the Mokha Duo after you," Donald said. "And that resulted in Dongha putting you in a coma. I'm sorry,"

Eugene's eyes widened. "You regained your memories,"

"The moment they pulled out a knife, my memories came rushing back," Donald revealed. "My wounds aren't too bad so I'll probably be discharged tomorrow morning. I'll leave and you guys will never have to see me again,"

"You went back to help the others," Eugene pointed out. "You could've just left them to lose against Cheongang, but you didn't,"

"The time I spent with you guys was nice," Donald admitted. "I...never had any friends. Kingsley is more of a worshipper than a friend. You guys showed me what true friendship is. I'll leave and never bother you guys again,"

"So you're just going to run away like a coward?" Gray stood at the doorway, having had forgotten his phone in the hospital room. "You apologized to Eugene, but what about to the rest of us?"

"You're right," Donald sighed. "I'll apologize before leaving,"

"You don't have to leave," Gray told him. "Like Eugene said, you came back to save us. You actually do care about us. Before Teddy joined our group, he bullied me so I beat the shit out of him. You've changed, Donald, so I'm willing to still be your friends. The others would most likely be hesitant, especially Alex, but I know they'll eventually come around,"

"If they're really fine with me staying after I apologize to them, I'll stay," Donald agreed. 

Word Count: 856

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