Day 14: Futile

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I'm going through the same day
Same place, same way I always do

Kingsley Kwan was going through the motions like a robot. The Union was disbanded. Donald Na had died. Kingsley had nothing. He wasn't even sure why he was trying in the first place. He would've most likely starved himself to death if Jake hadn't inserted himself into Kingsley's daily life.

Then I saw you from the corner of my eye
And it hit me like a ton of bricks, I can't lie
Oh you got to me

He and Jake had just finished grabbing the last of the boxes of the Union's stuff from Yeouinaru. As Kingsley was loading them into the car, he could've sworn he saw a glimpse of him. There was no mistake. The tattoos, pale skin, platinum blonde hair, and red eyes were clear indicators of Donald Na.

"Kingsley?" Jake asked.

Kingsley dropped the box he was holding and sprinted after Donald, ignoring Jake's confused and worried shouts. 

My life was alright living in black and white
But you changed my point of view 

Donald had been his everything. Kingsley had been stuck in the same spot in the system for years until Donald had entered his life and showed him how to use the system to one's own benefit. 

Show me your colors
Show me your colors
'Cause without you I'm blue
(Without you I'm blue)

As Kingsley chased after the phantom, the world around him changed. It had been daytime when he had been at Yeouinaru but all of a sudden it was now nighttime. But Kingsley didn't care and continued to follow the phantom.

Hurry up and save me
Hurry up and save me
Hurry up and save me
Hurry up and save me

The phantom disappeared and Kingsley was left running down the middle of a dark road. Up ahead, he caught sight of Donald standing near the underpass and calling up to the White Mamba. Kingsley felt the vibrations of the oncoming truck and hurriedly ran to Donald, pulling him off to the side.


'I did it,' Kingsley thought. 'I saved Donald!'

I just wanna feel alive
And I do when I'm with you

What he hadn't known was that the truck incident had been no accident. It had been intentional. The driver of the truck still struck Donald, and now including Kingsley, despite the two being on the sidewalk.

It had been a futile attempt to prevent Donald's death.

Word Count: 392

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