Day 7: Death

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This chapter contains spoilers for Ch 264.

Donald Na had died. Kingsley was heartbroken but still shoved his emotions down as he planned the funeral perfectly. Only the perfect funeral was befitting for the perfect being. Rather than being cremated while the funeral took place, Kingsley had opted for an open casket funeral, despite Donald not going to be buried in a casket.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Donald wasn't dead. Yes, he had definitely been struck by the truck a few nights ago. However, it wasn't enough to kill him. He wasn't a normal human being. He was a vampire with a regeneration ability. Unfortunately, since the truck incident was enough to kill a normal human being, he would have to fake his death and take on a new identity.

Kingsley fell to his knees and cried out Donald's name. Donald stiffened in the casket and was forcing himself to remain still. He struggled to tune out Kingsley's devastated and heartbroken voice. Jake knelt down beside Kingsley to comfort him, knowing that Kingsley was taking it the hardest.

"Why?" Kingsley asked. "Why!? WHY!?"

A few minutes later, someone else had arrived at the funeral hall, shocking everyone. "How dare you show up here!?" Kingsley screamed at Ben.

"Kingsley, Ben Park is only here to pay his respects," Jake told Kingsley. "I completely understand how you feel, but calm down, Kingsley,"

Before Ben could place a white rose amongst the others, a man wearing a Yeo-Il uniform casually strolled in with a giant wooden stake in his hand. When people saw him approaching the casket, they rushed over to pull him away. But they were too late. Alistair swung the wooden stake down.

Donald's eyes flew open and he caught Alistair's wrist. "Are you trying to kill me for reals!?" He bared his vampiric fangs and hissed. 

"ZOMBIE!" Jake screamed.

"I'm not a zombie," Donald deadpanned. "Jake, you've literally called me a vampire in the past. Everyone in the Shuttle Patch has been calling me a vampire,"

"Donald..." Kingsley shakily took a few steps towards him. "DONALD!"

Donald jumped out of the casket, threw Alistair across the room and through a few walls, and hugged Kingsley tightly. "I'm sorry, my love. Vampires are supposed to hide from humans and never reveal ourselves, but I can't say away from you. I'm sorry, Kingsley. I don't want to be given a new identity. I don't want to have to start a whole new life. I want to remain as Donald Na, the boyfriend of Kingsley Kwan,"

Word Count: 405

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