Day 10: Ritual

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Kingsley finished setting up the area for his ritual. He had managed to buy a rare golden flower with his remaining money and set it at the center of the circle, right beside the urn which contained Donald's ashes. Several chalk markings contained intricate designs that surrounded the urn and flower.

Kingsley cut his hand and let a few drops fall into the bowl of crushed and powdered herbs in front of him. He flipped over to the ritual's spell and began to sing.

"Flower, gleam and glow," Kingsley recited. "Let your powers shine. Make the clock reverse. Bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt. Change the fate's design. Save what has been lost. Bring back what once was mine...what once was mine,"

The flower glowed and the light spread throughout the entire room, lighting up the chalk markings. The light circled around the urn and uncovered it, delving into the ashes. The light glowed even brighter and the blood flow from Kingsley's cut began to flow even faster until the bowl was filled with his blood.

The ashes swirled into the air before taking a humanoid shape. The golden light became even brighter and brighter until Kingsley was forced to close his eyes. He heard the bowl in front of him bubble and burst, splattering its contents all over the room. The light eventually died down and Kingsley was able to open his eyes again.

Donald stood in the middle of the magic circle. He glanced down at his hands and slowly flexed his fingers. "I'm alive?"

"DONALD!" Kingsley ran over to his boyfriend and hugged him tightly.

"Kingsley...what did you do?" Donald asked.

"You died, Donald..." Kingsley sobbed. "I tried to move on. Jake tried to help me move on. But I couldn't move on. I really missed you, Donald!"

"How did you bring me back?" Donald asked. 

Kingsley remained silent.

"Kingsley, there's definitely a high price to revive someone!" Donald shouted. "Kingsley, what was the price to revive me!?"

Kingsley fell to his knees, but Donald caught him. Kingsley continued to hug Donald, although his hold was getting noticeably weaker. "I'm sorry...Donald..."

"Why would you trade your own life for mine!?" Donald began to cry too. "Kingsley, you idiot! You shouldn't have done this!"

"I couldn't live without you..." Kingsley's voice was getting quieter.

"What about me!?" Donald hugged him tightly. "Do you really think I'd be able to live without you? You're the only one who cared about me, Kingsley! The Union's already gone. Without you, I have nothing!"

"I lived an ordinary life..." Kingsley gently caressed Donald's cheek. "You deserve happiness...Whether you continue the Union or not...I just want you to be happy..."

Donald screamed when Kingsley's hand fell limp to the floor. The scream drew the attention of Jake, who lived in the apartment next door after urging Kingsley to move nearby to keep an eye on him. Jake and his friends kicked the door open and were shocked by the scene.


"Kingsley..." Donald managed to say as he hugged Kingsley's corpse. "He sacrificed his life to bring me back to life..." 

"We knew he was a mess after you died," Jake knelt down and placed a comforting hand on Donald's shoulder. "But I didn't think he'd go this far. We thought he was getting better, but I guess it was all an act as he prepared for this ritual,"

"Why?" Donald wailed. "Why would he sacrifice himself for me? Why!? WHY!?"

"Because he loves you," Jake answered. "He loves you to the point where he'll give up his life for you,"

Word Count: 582

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