Day 12: Body Swap/Height Swap

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Gray blinked. He stared up at a ceiling that wasn't his apartment's ceiling. He sat up and noted that his body felt strange. He looked around and saw that he wasn't in his bedroom. In fact, it wasn't any room in his apartment. 

'Something's off,' He looked down at his hands and furrowed his brows once he saw pale skin covered in tattoos. 'Judging by these tattoos, I'm in Donald Na's body. But how?'

He stood up and nearly stumbled, not used to being so tall all of a sudden. He made his way to the bathroom and stared at his reflection, confirming that he was indeed in Donald Na's body. He returned to the bedroom and found Donald's cell phone on his desk. Fortunately it was able to unlock with a fingerprint and Gray dialed his own cell phone number.

'If I'm in Donald's body, then he should be in mine,'


Donald was startled and awakened by the ringtone of a cellphone. That ringtone was definitely not his, so he was on high alert and scanned the room for any intruders that had gotten into his apartment. He quickly realized that he wasn't in his apartment.

'Was I kidnapped in my sleep!? Did someone drug me!?' He clearly remembered falling asleep in his own apartment last night. 'If someone did kidnap me, why would they put me in a normal looking bedroom instead of a basement?'

He realized that he was much skinner and that his skin had more color and lacked tattoos. Donald rushed into the bathroom. 'This isn't my face. This isn't my body. I'm in someone else's body. Isn't this person...the White Mamba? I remember Kingsley sending his photo to me after I had him gather some info about him,'

He walked over to the still ringing cellphone and recognized the caller's number as his own. He answered the call. "I take it that you're in my body, White Mamba?"


The Shuttle Patch was going crazy. There were several posts of Donald Na and the White Mamba hanging out together and going on a date. What they didn't know was that Donald and Gray were actually trying to figure out a way to reverse the body swap.

Word Count: 364

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