Day 15: Truck

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The truck that had hit Donald Na had belonged to Jang-Il Transportation and the driver had been Yongsu Jang, the owner.

Kingsley knew something was off. He did some more digging and found out that Jang-Il Transportation had recently made a deal with Cheongang.

Kingsley was furious. Cheongang was responsible for the truck hitting Donald! Cheongang was responsible for murdering Donald!

He had nothing left to lose. He prepared a bunch of Molotov cocktails by putting rags inside bottles of alcohol. On the day he was sure all of the Cheongang executives were at their Mapo Office Building, Kingsley attacked.

He hired Wolf to defeat all of the guards on the first floor. Wolf had accepted since it was easy cash. Once all of the guards were knocked out, none of them were able to inform anyone on the upper floors of what was going to happen next.

Wolf didn't think he'd ever be shocked by Kingsley's behavior, yet here he stood, mouth agape as he watched Kingsley set the Molotov cocktails on fire and throw them throughout the first floor of the Mapo Office Building.

Word Count: 181

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