Day 31: Dream

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As he laid dying in the middle of the road, Donald Na dreamt of a world where he was happy. He dreamt of a world where he lived a normal life like everyone else. He dreamt of a world where he had family and friends.

In his dream, his mother was still alive and would always greet him when he came home. His biological father was also present rather than his abusive stepfather. 

In his dream, he would have befriended Gray in middle school, maybe even earlier than that and in elementary school or even in preschool. Maybe they'd even be next door neighbors and they'd have known each other since they'd have been in diapers.

In his dream, his skin wouldn't be decorated in those ugly scars. They'd be clear of the ink that he had only gotten due to wanting to appear intimidating, despite having them covered up most of the time and not visible to others. 

In his dream, maybe Kingsley didn't consider him to be a god but rather as an equal, as an actual friend just like the Gray in this world.

In his dream, he would be able to remain the happy child his mother had seen him as. He wouldn't have gone such the violent route he had needed to go through in order to survive in the streets. 

But that was all a dream, an unachievable dream.

Word Count: 232

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