Day 22: Fairy Tale

13 4 0

Donald hated fairy tales.

He pretended to enjoy listening to his mother read them to him. In reality, he only enjoyed spending time with her rather than the stories themselves.

He hated fairy tales because of how stupid and unrealistic they were. He understood that they were fiction but when he sometimes overheard classmates reenacting scenes from fairy tales, he couldn't help but be angry.

No magic fairy godmother was going to perform miracles. No Prince Charming was going to sweep them off their feet and marry them.

If Donald had lived a normal childhood like all of the other kids, he wouldn't have been so angry and would've actually enjoyed fairy tales. But he lived a life different from the rest of his peers. His life was full of misery and hardships, something his classmates at Yeowon Elementary School would never understand.

Word Count: 139

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