Day 28: Time

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During the executive meeting at the start of Season 2, a time rift accidentally brings them to the future at the time of Chapter 264.

It was supposed to be a normal executive meeting to discuss the punishment of Yoosun and Hyeongshin. It had started off as a normal meeting. 

Donald was explaining things, Kingsley was attending to Donald's every need, Jake's mind was wandering off as he thought about Two Piece instead of paying attention, Wolf was bored and plotting to torment Grape without breaking the infighting rule, Jimmy's ego was hurt, and Forrest was miserable.

But then, they didn't know what the fuck had just happened. There had been a flash of light and a pull. Then they were suddenly floating before falling a foot to the floor. They untangled themselves from each other and were quick to realize that they were in a funeral hall.

"What's going on?" Forrest asked. "Why do those guys in the front look exactly like us?"

"Donald?" Future Kingsley, who had fallen to his knees in despair, shakily got up. "Donald, is that you? Is it really you?"

"Keep your fucking hands off my boyfriend!" Kingsley hissed, hugging Donald close to him.

"I think they're from the past," Future Jake spoke up. 

"We time traveled!?" Jake exclaimed, his eyes lighting up in excitement. "But wait, why is everyone at a funeral hall? Who died?"

Future Kingsley shoved his past self away from Donald and punched him in the face. He then hugged Donald tightly. "Donald, you got hit by a truck and died! You died, Donald!"

Donald was stunned by the news. "What?"

"It's true," Future Jake nodded. "You died," He pointed at the framed photo at the front of the room.

"Instead of dying in a fight," Donald asked slowly as Future Kingsley and Kingsley were fighting each other. "I died after getting hit by a truck?"




"Also you disbanded the Union," Future Jake added. "I made a wish on my birthday two days after the Han River Battle to be able to quit the gang life but I never expected Kingsley to inform me the next morning that you had died,"

"Han River Battle?" 

"What date are you guys from?" Future Jake inquired and nodded once he heard the date. "So Donald still hasn't taken Eunjang that seriously yet. Basically Wolf pissed off Eunjang even more by kidnapping two of Ben Park and the White Mamba's friends. White Mamba defeated Wolf. Afterwards Donald sent me to fight Ben but Ben won,"

"What the fuck do you mean I lost!?" Wolf exclaimed.

"Donald still pretty much ignored Eunjang," Future Jake continued, ignoring Wolf. "But when a Eunjang student won an invention competition that messed up the Union's businesses, he sent the Mokha Duo to beat up that student who happened to be Ben Park and the White Mamba's friend. So to settle things, the Union and Eunjang had an all-out battle. Oh, and Kingsley hired people to kidnap Ben which made Donald mad to the point where he slapped him,"

"I don't hold it against Donald though," Future Kingsley spoke up. "Everything I do is for Donald's sake. He hit me because he was upset that I lacked complete faith in his victory,"

"Kingsley, you're sounding like a domestic abuse victim," Future Jake said worriedly.

"You don't deserve Donald!" Kingsley slapped his future self. "How dare you think he has even a single percent chance to lose!"

"I mean Donald did get knocked down for a few seconds," Future Forrest spoke up.

"What?" Donald asked in disbelief.

"So the White Mamba rescued Ben Park and then Ben and Donald fought," Future Jake continued. "Ben lost so the White Mamba fought him next. The White Mamba managed to last quite a while and even knocked Donald down but he celebrated too early and Donald got back up and defeated the White Mamba. Then Donald disbanded the Union and wanted to be left alone,"

"According to what Ben Park and his friends said," Future Kingsley added. "Donald went to find the White Mamba to challenge him to another fight. He was standing in the middle of the road while the White Mamba was standing on a bridge overpass. Donald got hit by a truck..." More tears began to fall and he hugged Donald tightly.


Donald stood in front of the shelves that contained people's ashes. He first stared at his mother's ashes and then his eyes moved on over to the right of it where his own ashes were. He had always strived to survive in the harshest conditions. Even when he was homeless after his stepfather ran off with his mother's life insurance money, he still managed to survive and create his own criminal empire known as the Union.


"Yes?" Both Kingsley's responded.

"The one from this time period," Donald clarified.

"Yes, Donald?" Future Kingsley asked.

"Tell me everything in detail of what happened after the executive meeting," Donald ordered. "I'll use that information when we eventually return to the past. I won't let my empire crumble and I definitely won't allow myself to be killed by a truck,"

Word Count: 831

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