Day 26: Tattoos

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Donald was confused. He hated tattoos and found them to be disgusting. He had only gotten the tattoos all over his body because he had wanted to be seen as intimidating, just like the loan sharks his stepfather had borrowed money from. He could still clearly recall the day he had seen his stepfather kneeling and begging for more time to repay his debt.

Dean Kwon had a single tattoo. It wasn't even anything intimidating or scary like a dragon or lion. Dean had a single rose tattoo on his neck, visible for everyone to see. 

Donald didn't understand the point of it. The rose didn't add an intimidation factor, so why did Dean get a tattoo? The rose didn't make him seem tougher or scarier. 

All the tattoos he had seen were always on thugs, delinquents, and gangsters. They were all meant to make those guys look tough. So Donald was confused by Dean's choice of tattoo. He couldn't fathom getting a tattoo just because he liked how it looked on his skin.

Word Count: 173

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