Day 16: Sacrilegious

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Committing or characterized by a technical and not necessarily intrinsically outrageous violation (such as improper reception of a sacrament) of what is sacred because consecrated to God

Commandment Number Five: Honor thy father and thy mother.

Donald Na loved his mother dearly. He hid his pain and suffering as best as she could from her. He purposely said things that would provoke his stepfather into attacking him, sparing his mother those times. He was devastated when his mother had passed away, especially since he couldn't even be by her side during her last moments.

He didn't love his biological father. He didn't even know him, having never met him. The only thing he had inherited from him was his family name, Na. Donald had inherited his mother's appearance, although a bit paler.

Donald despised his stepfather. That man was undeserving of the title of "father" in stepfather. He didn't even deserve to be considered a human. In Donald's eyes, he was just a monster who had abused him and his mother.

Commandment Number Six: Thou shalt not kill.

Blood was on Cheongang's hands. It was indirectly, of course. 

In the police report it had been Yongsu Jang, the driver and owner of Jang-Il Transportation, who had hit Donald and killed him. 

But it was Changhui Han who had made a deal with Mr. Jang. If Mr. Jang could pull off this one job, he'd make sure his family was taken care of. And Mr. Jang did pull that job off and killed Donald Na, Cheongang's biggest enemy.

Commandment Number Eight: Thou shalt not steal.

Many delinquents throughout Yeongdeungpo bullies weaker students. They would beat them up, force them to run errands, and steal from them. The teachers didn't care.

Commandment Number Nine: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

Seungjae Heo was a liar. He claimed that Donald had been cheating just because he was jealous and angry at the fact that Donald was smarter than him and therefore scored higher than him on the academic rankings.

Their homeroom teacher, Mr. Jeong, and the Head of Academic Affairs, were also liars. They knew that Donald wasn't a cheater. They knew that Donald was innocent. But they lied. They lied because there was nothing to gain from siding with the poor kid.

Commandment Number Ten: Thou shalt not covet. 

Donald Na was jealous. 

He was jealous of the delicious foods his classmates ate. He was jealous of the new warm clothes his classmates wore. He was jealous of the latest phones and laptops that his classmates owned. He was jealous of his classmates' families' wealth.

But he buried his jealousy. He endured the bullying and the taunting and the abuse all for his mother's sake.

After his mother died, there was no point in hiding his jealousy. He used his jealous as motivation. He wanted what others had, so he'd get it no matter what.

Word Count: 472

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