Day 3: Insane Asylum

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This was a mistake, it had to be. There was no reason for him to be here. He was sane. He didn't belong here! He didn't deserve to be locked up in an insane asylum!

"Aww, it looks like Patient N-023 escaped again,"

"Tsk, tsk, what a troublesome patient,"

'Patient, yeah right,' Donald held his breath and hoped that the "doctors" and the "nurses" weren't going to be immediately looking in the vents where he currently was. 'These fuckers aren't doctors or nurses at all. This isn't an insane asylum!'

Once they left, Donald began to move as quietly as possible through the vents. He made sure to engrain each location into his mind as he made each turn. He used the cloth of the straitjacket to muffle any sounds made.

"Hey, are you sure that Patient N-023's parents won't report him missing?"

"Parents? Ha! That kid's an orphan. Why do you think we gladly decided to make the deal with Cheongang to kidnap him and use him as a test subject?"

"Orphans will always be the best subjects since no one will ever be looking for them,"

'So it's Cheongang that's behind this,' Donald narrowed his eyes. 'I should've known that fucker Changhui Han wouldn't be able to accept defeat easily like this,'

Donald managed to make it to the lobby where it was surprisingly empty of any workers. He carefully snuck out and began to run into the woods. This was the furthest he had ever gotten in any of his escape attempts. 

Even though his muscles aches and his lungs burned, he continued to run until he hit a concrete wall. A net was dropped onto him from above and he screamed, "FUCK!" as the workers recaptured him and dragged him back to the building labeled "Insane Asylum."

Word Count: 292

Think of the insane asylum here as the orphanages in the Promised Neverland.

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