Chapter 13

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"It's not that bad," Marco draped an arm over my shoulder as we walked into my house.
"You're meeting my parents and jackass brothers, I'm nervous!" Marco and I had been dating for about 3 weeks now and he decided he should meet my parents; an idea I was hoping to avoid.
"Come on, Princess" he kissed my cheek, I tried to keep a frown on my face but I couldn't stop the smile that tugged at my lips as I looked into his brown eyes. My parents weren't home often but on the rare occasion they were, they jumped on the idea of meeting Marco. They had obviously heard good things considering how their faces lit up when I told them about him. My brothers got excited about finally getting to meet The Great Marco Smith, which in all honesty kinda pissed me off; they all hated Hunter but loved his brother who they hadn't even met yet.

I was easily getting myself worked up thinking of my family. Marco sent me a concerned look, "Kate? Everything alright?"
"Yeah I'm fine" I shrugged it off and smiled at him but my irritation of my family grew by the second. As we walked into the kitchen I bit my lip, moving slightly closer to Marco.
"Mom, Dad, Dumb and Dumber" I said and my parents turned to me as my brothers groaned but when they turned and saw Marco they stood up and starting fixing their hair and clothes in a flustered manner. I gave them a disgusted look and rolled my eyes.
"This is Marco, my boyfriend." I forced a smile onto my face as I looked from my parents and brothers.
"It's great to meet you." Mark said and held his hand out. Marco smiled and shook his hand.
"Likewise, Mark?" He tilted his head a bit as he made sure he had the right brother. Mark looked like he was going to scream with joy but swallowed and nodded. Jared stood up and shook Marcos hand as well.
"Jared right?" Marco asked and Jared nodded enthusiastically. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes again. Marco turned to my parents with a genuine smile on his beautiful face, making my heart melt and my irritation evaporate.
"Mr and Mrs Dean I'm so happy to finally meet you." He shook my dads hand and my mom hugged him.
"Marco, it's so nice to see Kate with such a sweet and handsome boy!" My mom gushed. My irritation was back and I bit my lip.
"See, nothing to worry about" Marco whispered in my ear and squeezed my hand, I faked a smile at him.

Throughout dinner everyone kept praising Marco, they asked a few questions about our relationship but they spoke to Marco and not me. In fact it was as if I were invisible, Marco kept gently squeezing my leg in reassurance but it didn't calm me down like it usually did. Anger and frustration build up, just waiting to bubble over. I knew why they liked Marco, I mean I like Marco. But couldn't they see Hunter was just as sweet? Just as polite! They hated him when they didn't even give him a chance, now Marcos here and is treated like he's the best damn thing ever! I'm glad my family likes my boyfriend but why can't they like my best friend as well?
"A scholarship?" My mom used her I'm-so-impressed voice and I bit my lip to keep from yelling at her. Marco looked over at me, his eyes asking if I were okay. I smiled at him.
"Uh, yeah but isn't that big a deal" Marco shrugged
"Are you kidding? It's amazing!" Mark said clearly awe-struck, I was surprised Jared's head didn't snap off at the speed he was nodding.
"It's very impressive, Marco." My dad said, "how are your grades though?"
"A's and B's sir." Marco smiled at him, "I work very hard all around."
"That's the kind of thing we like to hear." As my dad and Marco continued to speak I watched everyone in the room, no one but Marco even looked at me. They were all so intrigued by my boyfriend.

When supper was over the boys went to talk in the over room and I helped my mom clean up. I had to tell Marco about 4 times that he didn't have to help us and he could go talk. He had reluctantly left, leaving me alone with my mother.
"He's so nice" she said as I handed her the plates.
"Yeah I know. That doesn't mean you guys have to praise him as if he's better than everyone." I didn't even realize that I had said it but my mom stopped with what she was doing and turned to me with a disapproving look on her face.
"We did not do that Kate!" She sounded pissed, probably cause she knew I was right.
"Oh, please mom. Jared and Mark are practically drooling over him and you and dad are treating him like the is the most impressive thing in this world." I knew all I was doing was starting a fight but I couldn't stop the words coming out of my mouth.
"It's not our fault you finally brought home a decent boy!" She went back to rinsing the dishes.
"Maybe, just maybe mom, if you gave Hunter a chance you'd realize just how sweet and caring he really is!" I glared at her, she ignored me.
"You haven't even taken the time to get to know him! But you instantly love Marco, how is that fair?" My voice was getting louder than I wanted but my anger wasn't letting me calm down.
"Hunter isn't good for you. Marco is a good boy and doesn't get you tattoos and weird clothing!" She shot at me.
"Hunter is my best friend. My only friend other than Marco actually. Not that you would know that, it's not like you're ever here and even when you are its all about the boys!" She span around, her eyes blazing with anger.
"That's enough Kate!" She yelled. I heard the talking in the other room stop and footsteps approaching. My mom and I just kept staring each other down.
"Everything okay in here, Princess?" Marco came into the kitchen first and instantly walked to my side, placing a hand on my lower back.
"Yeah, everything's fine." My voice was bitter and I didn't take my eyes off my mother.
"Actually," the look my mother gave me was pure hatred before she turned to Marco, "Kate's upset because we like you" she was radiating irritation with me but she gave Marco an easy smile. Marco looked down at me, confusion swimming in his eyes.
"I'm not upset that you like Marco. I'm upset that you don't like Hunter." I snarled at her. My brothers and father walked into the kitchen then, that's when everything went out the window for me.
I took a deep breathe, "I'm sick of the fact that you have just met Marco and think he's amazing but have known Hunter for nearly two years now and still won't give him a chance!" My anger bubbled over. Marco was looking at me with no expression on his face, but his brown eyes were worried as they locked with mine. Jared was the first to break the silence, his voice pissed off and intimidating.
"I think I'd like Hunter more if I didn't keep finding him your bed." Jared said it with a snarl and Marco stepped away from me. Hurt evident in his eyes, I looked at Jared wide eyed.
"What was Hunter doing in your bed?" Marco asked me, irritation lacing his voice. I was about to answer but Mark cut me off, practically pushing me away from Marco as he 'explained' to my boyfriend.
"Nothing good, last time I was there he was on top of her." He scoffed.
"That boy is bad news!" My dad growled, my mom nodded and was about to say something but I didn't give her a chance to.
"Stop it!" I yelled, Marco was looking at me with a sad expression and I felt my heart drop, "Marco, Hunter is my best friend. We sit in bed and talk. My brothers blow it out of proportion because they don't like him."
"So why is a problem that they like me?" He asked seriously, "Don't you want them to?"
"Of course I want them to!" I stepped towards him, "but I also want them to see that you and Hunter aren't that different!"
"Why do you make everything about him?" Marco raised his voice slightly but didn't yell.
"I..." My mind spun with what words to say. Marco clearly pissed off, rolled his eyes and turned to everyone else in the room.
"It was great meeting you all. I hope we can do this again sometime." Then he turned to me and kissed my cheek and whispered, "Goodbye Kate. We'll talk about it later, I can't do this right now, not with your family here. It's not a fight we're having." And with that he walked out the door. My heart breaking a little.

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