Chapter 15

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When we sat down, Marco ordered us two coffees then turned to me, seeming fidgety.
"Hey uh, you wouldn't mind if a friend of mine joined us for lunch would you? I really want him to meet you." He smiled nervously at me, clearly scared I was going to say no.
"Of course I don't mind, I'd love to meet your friend." I reached over and squeezed his hand in reassurance, he interlaced our fingers and smiled at me. We sat and spoke for about 20 minutes before Marcos friend showed up. When he arrived Marcos entire face lit up and he smiled waving a hand so his friend could see where we were. A really tall, muscular boy with dark brown hair walked up to us, he had kind green eyes and a bright smile that was clearly aimed at Marco. Marco and I both stood up, he and Marco hugged before they both turned to me.
"Kate, this is my closest friend, Jonathan." He smiled up at Jonathan, "Jono, this is my girlfriend, Kate." Jonathan held out his hand, he had a smile on his face but there was something in his eyes that shook me a little but I ignored and shook his hand, smiling up at him and feeling awfully short around these two boys. I mean Jono was taller than Marco, probably about Hunters height.
"It's nice to finally meet you" he had a deep voice and was a little intimidating but he seemed nice enough. We all sat down and me not being used to people started to fiddle with my hands, picking at my fingernails. Marco and Jonathan had already begun talking about the things going on in their lives, I watched them for a bit. Marcos eyes travelled over Jono's face, I saw a glint of something I couldn't really place.
"So, how did you guys meet?" Jonathan said and leaned back in his chair, studying me. I suppose seeing Marco and I together was a strange sight considering how different we looked.
"She's Hunters best friend," Marco said, smiling at me.
"Ah, dating your little brothers best friend." Jono laughed softly, "I didn't think Hunter was the kind of guy to be okay with that."
"He's not really..." I said softly and when the two boys looked at me I gave a small shrug. I mean Hunter dealt with it, it didn't mean he was okay with it.
"Thought so..." Jonathan looked at Marco, "Yet you do it anyways. Always the person to make sure you get what you want." He smirked at him. Marco went a little red and looked away, I watched them silently. Marco normally didn't blush, I was amazed at how Jonathan made him act. We all spoke and joked around throughout lunch, I really enjoyed Jonathan's company. He was nice and he seemed to know just how to make Marco do things that normally people couldn't get him to do. He was normally so bold and confident but around Jonathan he was blushy yet comfortable.

We had said goodbye to Jonathan and Marco was driving me home. He looked over at me, "Do you like him?"
"He's great. I'm glad I got to meet him." I smiled and after a long silence I said, "You guys are really close huh?"
"Jono is... Something else, he's always understood in me in a way very few people do. I've known him for years and we've both seen sides of each other that no one else has." He's eyes lit up as he spoke, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. I couldn't help but smile as I watched him. Jonathan must really mean a lot to him.
"We're home." Marco said after awhile and pulled into my driveway. My brothers were busy playing basketball and stopped when they saw the car. Jared glared at me and Mark ran a hand through his sweaty hair.
"I don't know if you want to come in or make an escape while you can..." I said in a dead serious voice and I heard Marco try to hide his laugh with a cough. I looked over at him and we both had this serious look on our faces but I could tell we were both about to start laughing.
"Do you think they can hear us?" Marco asked in a low whisper, keeping his face serious. I resisted the urge to smile.
"They're too dumb to listen in." I said and I saw the corner of Marcos mouth twitch as he tried not to smile.
"I need to tell you a secret..." He leaned in closer, my heart race speeding up a bit.
"I really like you." He said, our eyes locking.
"I really like you too." I said, blushing a bit and he pulled a small box out his jacket and gave it to me. I looked at the box for a bit before I finally opened it to see one of the most beautiful necklaces I've ever laid eyes on. It was a heart with the pattern of a skull key lock on it, from the heart hung a small key that had a purple stone on it. The 'chain' was grey lace and it was perfect.
"Marco..." I looked up at him, he gave me a shy smile.
"Do you like it?" He asked nervously, I leaned over and kissed him.
"I love it." I said against his lips and I felt him smile, "help me put it on?" I asked and he nodded. I shifted in my seat so my back was to Marco and I held my hair up as he placed the necklace around my neck. It fit just they way I like it, the heart pressed against my throat and the key hanging. I smiled to myself at how well Marco knew me and how great he was at picking things out. I gently ran my fingers over the necklace.
"Marco, you are honestly the best boyfriend ever!" I beamed at him and he smiled at me.
"You're brothers are still watching us..." He said looking at them with just his eyes and pulling a face. I burst out laughing, he soon followed my lead. We got out the car and Marco instantly took my hand, pulling me closer to him.
"Mark, Jared. It's great to see you guys again." Marco smiled at them, making them a little flustered.
"Uh... Hey Marco! You wanna play some hoops with us?" Mark finally got out and I bit my lip to keep from laughing at his nervousness. Marco looked at me, I shrugged at him.
"I need to call Hunter anyway, have fun with the boys." I kissed him and made my way inside, my hand going to the necklace. I was finally happy, I finally had everything I needed and I had no sadness in my life. For the first time I felt like nothing could go wrong.

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