Chapter 18

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Marco and I sat on the couch, he took my bandaged hand and kissed it softly.
"It upset you that much?" He looked at me full of worry. I felt really stupid all of a sudden.
"I haven't really had a lot of experience with people..." I said softly, "My reaction was probably really stupid" I gave a short, humorless laugh and shook my head. I tried to pull my hand out of Marcos grip but he tugged it closer, causing me to look up. As I did my lips were met with his, I smiled a little and put my hand to his chest, he covered my hand with his. When the kiss ended I buried my face into his neck while he held me close and ran his fingers up and down my back. I kissed him again, gripping his shirt a bit to pull him closer. He kissed back instantly but pulled away quickly.
"You need to talk to Hunter..." He said softly, I could hear the strain in his words. I looked at him, my face a question mark.
"Why would you want that?" I asked him, slightly annoyed at how he ruined the moment.
"He's really upset... I know how much you mean to him and as much as I hate to admit it," he paused and sighed with defeat, "I know he means a lot to you... Probably more than I do." I searched his face, not really sure how to respond to him.
"He started it." I said, realizing why I had been so hurt in the first place, "He knows me better than anyone and he started a fight with you- my boyfriend."
"I just think you should at least try and talk, but obviously I'm not making you do anything you don't want to." He smiled then after a brief pause he said, "So, let me make this whole mess up to you. Jonathan and I were going to go shopping tomorrow, come with us and we can get you something pretty." I couldn't help but smile at how cute and nervous he looked. I kissed him again and nodded.
"Fine, but you can't buy my forgiveness mister." I said in fake sternness, he laughed and put his arm around me.
"Of course, Princess."

The next day came around sooner then expected and I still hadn't spoken to Hunter, I still wasn't sure if I was ready to. On top of that my phone was smashed, I was full of regret on that part. I casually leaned on the wall outside as I waited for Marco to pick me up, I didn't tell him I broke my phone and wasn't really planning on it either. I wore my normal ripped skinnies with a loose fitting grey tank top and of course my leather jacket and black boots. The necklace Marco had bought me hung perfectly at my throat and I found myself playing with the key as I waited.
When the car pulled up, I pushed off the wall and got in.
"Hey Princess, you look beautiful today!" Marco said and leaned over to kiss me, I smiled but rolled my eyes.
"Mmm, you're making it so obvious you're trying to be on my good side." I pouted at him and batted my eyelashes, "You take the fun out of it." He laughed at my comment and started driving.
"You are such a handful." He scoffed but shot me a smile and winked.
"Whatever." I laughed.

"Jono!" Marco called out to the brunette, who turned around with a bright smile. As soon as he saw me his smile fluttered a bit and his eyes swam with confusion.
"Hey Marco! What's up Kate?" He smiled at me but I knew he wasn't happy. I gave a nervous wave and stepped a little closer to Marco, who was still smiling happily at Jonathan. We started walking around, Marco and I held hands but he spent most of his time talking to Jonathan. We walked past a shop and I saw a really nice top that I wanted to see properly so I stopped Marco and pointed it out.
"Wanna try it on?" He smiled at me and I nodded excitedly. It was a dark red and had a black X on it. I went into the change room, after I tried it on I could hear Marco and Jono talking so I leaned against the door and listened to what they were saying. Yes I know it was wrong but curiosity got the better of me.
"Marco, I understand why you're doing this but how many times is she going to be there when it's our time alone?" Jonathan sounded annoyed but also hurt.
"Jono come on, you know it's important that we do these things..." Marcos voice was sad and pleading, I furrowed my brows in confusion.
"I...I know, I just really wish we had more time together." I heard the sound of clothes moving then silence for a little bit, finally a defeated sigh and an, "Alright fine..." From Jono. After a while I stepped out of the change room and smiled at the two boys who were waiting patiently for me, Marco was leaning with his whole body on the wall just outside the change room and Jono was using his arm to prop himself up on it just behind Marcos head.
"Do you like it?" Marco asked me and I nodded, a smile tugging at my lips.
"Then let's pay and get going!" Jono said, pushing off the wall. Marco took my hand but walked close to Jonathan, their hands brushing once in a while. We payed and continued looking around the mall.
"I'm sorry I interrupted your day..." I said softly, I almost thought they didn't hear me. However they both turned to look at me, looking slightly confused.
"What do you mean?" Marco frowned.
"You guys were suppose to have the day together and I intruded, so I'm sorry." I looked down at my feet.
"Kate, we don't mind having you with us. It's really nice actually." Jonathan smiled kindly at me, he looked down at mine and Marcos intertwined fingers and his eyes grew sad. We walked in silence for a bit, then Jono suggested that we go get lunch. I tried to let the boys have as much time 'alone' together as I could, which wasn't that difficult since they hardly looked away from each other. After seeing best friends together I decided I would go see Hunter, I was missing him. So much that it almost hurt, I couldn't stand the thought of Hunter not being around.

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