Chapter 10

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"Pass the popcorn" I nudged Hunters arm, he looked over at me for what seemed like forever but was really less than 2 minutes before he made any move to do something. When he did finally do something it wasn't pass the popcorn like I had asked him to, instead he shoved a pillow in my face.
We were watching a movie at his house after me begging for about half an hour over the phone so that he would let me go to his house more, he reluctantly agreed. Purely out of the reason that he was sick of hearing me whine and there was only one way to shut me up.
"What was that for?" I mumbled into the pillow, he raised his eyebrow.
"What was that?" He smirked and tilted his head to the side a little, his black hair flopping into his face.
"Why did you smother me with a pillow?" I frowned playfully at him and threw the pillow at him. He blocked it easily and smiled evilly at me.
"Oh, you didn't say 'Hunter please shove a pillow in my face?' Cause that's what I heard" he made his voice all high pitched and whiney when 'mimicking' my voice. I hit his arm and frowned.
"I do not sound like that!" I pouted at him.
"Eh" he shrugged his shoulders and I gasped. I huffed and turned away from him in fake anger.
"Oh come on KitKat" he poked my side and I slapped his hand away. He leaned closer to me and whimpered like a hurt puppy. I rolled my eyes but turned to look at him with raised eyebrows.
"I love you" he said and kissed my cheek.
"Yeah, whatever." I rolled my eyes but kissed his cheek, "I love you too, even though your an asshole" he laughed and pulled me onto his lap. I cuddled against his chest and we continued watching the movie. Joking and laughing, not really paying attention to what was happening on the screen in front of us.

"Hey guys!" Marco walked into the house, a smile on his gorgeous face. I instantly smiled back and lifted my hand to give him a small wave. Hunter grabbed my hand and pushed it down, frowning aggressively.
"I'm trying to watch" he said in a cold voice, I stared at him wide eyed. A sickening feeling sinking into my bones. Why was he cold all of a sudden? We were joking around like 10 seconds ago!
"Are you alright there?" I asked him in a soft voice so Marco wouldn't hear us.
"Yes, shut up" he snapped, getting Marcos attention straight away, causing him to frown at us and made a pang of pain strike my heart- Hunter never yelled at me and I felt a little uneasy. I got off his lap, pulling my legs up and resting my head on my knees. He looked over at me and his face softened a bit, he was playing with his lip ring- something he did when he got nervous. I wouldn't look him in the eye though, I wasn't exactly mad... I was just confused.
"KitKat..." He reached out for me but I hit his hand away, not saying anything to him. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. I bit my lip hard, trying not to break down; I loved it when he played with his hair.
"I'm sorry" he put a hand on my leg, I rolled my eyes but didn't push him off, I couldn't bring myself to do it.
"What happened there?" Marco asked, a smirk tugging at his lips, Hunter shot him a death glare. I felt myself sink into the couch as the two brothers stared each other down, having a conversation with their eyes that I was clearly not apart of and was not welcome into. It was like they had completely forgotten I was there. I have never actually seen Marco without an easy smile on his face but the look he was giving Hunter was challenging and aggressive, it made me wonder what was going on between the two of them. Hunter returned the stare with one of anger and hatred. I was super confused as to why the disliked each other so much.
"What are you two doing?" I said after 3 minutes of them just looking at each other. Marco was the first to look away and smile at me, taking a step towards me in a nonchalant fashion.
"Nothing, just wondering why you got funny with my little brother" he winked at me. Hunter looked between me and Marco, eyes blazing with anger. I reached my hand over and squeezed Hunters.
"Just fun and games" I gave Hunter a reassuring smile which he looked away from and back to his brother, a victory smirk on his face.
"You know, it's getting pretty late..." I let go of Hunters hand, causing him to look at me with sad eyes, "I should get going" I smiled but on the inside I wanted to scream at him. He was acting so weird. I didn't like it but at the same time it made my heart race; then again Hunter always had that effect on me.
"I'll walk you" Marco said giving me an easy smile that made my heart melt. He held out his hand for me to take but Hunter made a noise that sounded like a growl and pushed his hand away.
"No!" Hunter snapped at him, "I'll walk her home. You don't even know her!" He stood up, grabbed my hand and practically yanked me up off the couch, away from Marco. He pulled me close to him, wrapping a protective arm around me.
"Oh, but I do brother" Marco have him a sly look, "Bye Princess" he winked at me then walked away. I felt my heart beat speed up and I looked at my feet, avoiding the look of hurt Hunter was giving me.

"Seriously?" Hunter was getting uneasy as I told him about Marco and me hanging out. I nodded.
"He's fun to be around" I shrugged
"He...he is not someone you should be around though!" He took a step towards me which in turn I took a step towards him, keeping my ground.
"And why not?" I shot at him, poking his chest, but I felt a small smile tug at my lips.
"He's not like you. He just... He...I don't want you to hang out with him!" Hunter was radiating anger and frustration.
"Why?" I almost shouted it at him, my smile dropping and my anger rising. Hunter was being ridiculous!
"Because" he whispered, lowering his gaze.
"That's not an answer." My voice was emotionless and soft.
"Just... He's gonna try something on you and I don't want you guys to you know... Be a thing" he wouldn't look at me but I kept a steady gaze on him.
"Why?" I asked my voice dripping the anger I felt, "What if I want us to be?"
"Never mind then, okay?" he suddenly looked at me with pleading and hurt eyes. My eyes softened and I gave him a small, almost sad smile. I could never stay mad at him, it was basically impossible. He leaned down and kissed my cheek.
"I love you KitKat" he said, searching my eyes. My heart melted, he was my best friend and I couldn't live without him.
"I love you too" I intertwined our fingers so our tattoos lined up, "Forever and always" I looked up at him with love.
"Forever and always" he repeated, pulling me into a hug. I nuzzled into him and just let him hold me for a while. I felt safe in his arms, I always have. He was something I never wanted to lose, even if that meant staying away from Marco... The thought made my heart sink and cuddle closer to Hunter.

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