Chapter 6

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"Hunter!" I yelled from the kitchen
"What?" Hunter walked in smiling like an idiot.
"Help me!" Hunter walked up behind me and grabbed my waist, pulling me to him. He leaned his head on my shoulder and whispered into my ear, "Cookies aren't hard to make, KitKat" I groaned and leaned my head back, "But it's boring doing it alone!" I whined and he laughed, squeezing me tightly. He reached his arms around me and grabbed the mixing bowl, I was pushed up against him and the counter as he mixed all our ingredients together, it wasn't uncomfortable though; it was normal, relaxing; it wasn't unusual for us to be this close, we had become best friends. When he finished he took a bit of the mixture with his finger and put it in my mouth, "Taste?" He asked , I turned so I was facing him but still against the counter. "Perfect!" I smiled up at him.
"Perfect!" He repeated before kissing my head.

It's been about a year since I met Hunter Smith, he has slowly become my best friend and I don't know what I'd do without him, he understands and accepts me in a way very few people do. We had the best friendship I could ask for; we watched movies and cuddled, we baked cookies and cakes that often turned into us throwing ingredients at each other - mostly flour. We went for walks and we spoke for hours on end, whether it was on the phone or in person, we never got bored with or around each other.
My brothers and parents hated him and the way he looked but I loved it, they thought he was bad news but what they didn't realize was how much he was helping me. He convinced me that for my 18th birthday I was getting a tattoo and that he would pay for it (so maybe he's a little bit of trouble but I think it's awesome that he's like that- not stuck up like my brothers) I got the outline of a heart on the side of my middle finger and because he's Hunter, he got a colored in one. Of course everyone flipped out, my brothers nearly punched him but at the end of the day he was bigger than both of them; taller, more muscular but not in that 'too muscular' kinda of way so everyone backed down and we just a lecture on how tattoos are permanent. Actually Hunter was kind of perfect! Everyone expected us to be a couple as close as we became but the thought never really occurred to either of us, or maybe it did and we just didn't pay attention to it because we were perfect the way we were. We just enjoyed being us, no status to anything- just us. Hunter was by far my favorite person, he understood me in a way no one else did or ever would. However I don't think I'd ever be able to date him. I love him though, but not the love everyone thinks.

"Hey, KitKat?" Hunter poked my stomach. We were lying on my bed with our freshly baked cookies. We were next to each other on the bed, I lay on my back and Hunter was on his stomach.
"Mmmhmmm?" I hummed and slapped his hand away. He laughed and draped an arm over me.
"Can we do something?" He whined
"We are doing something" I stated and gave him a stern look.
"What exactly are we doing?" He raised an eyebrow at me and I frowned at him.
"Relaxing, dumbass!" I retorted and flicked his head. He frowned at me and sat up. He bent into a crouching position, the way lions do when they hunt prey. My eyes widened and I sat up, "don't you dare-" Hunter tackled me and we fell onto the floor, Hunter landing on me after I hit the floor with a 'thud' frowning at him. "You asshole!" I laughed and rolled so I was on top of him and moved my hands to 'strangle' him. He caught my hands and our wrestling match began; tossing and pushing each other. Hunter was a lot stronger than me but he let me win. I pinned him to the ground and cried, "I win!"
"Fine, fine I give!" He laughed and I let him go. I laughed and bumped his shoulder.
"Stop letting me win" I moaned but smiled at him.
"Nah, I like seeing your face when you win!" He winked and poked my cheek. I frowned at him and we both burst into laughter.

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