Chapter 28

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After about 10 minutes my tears stopped and I sat staring at the opposite wall. I was being over-dramatic. I guess I knew that. I was hurt though, my heart felt like it was slowly being torn in two. The wait for Hunter to come back became agonizing and I pushed myself off the floor to go and find him. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel when I got to the boys, but I knew I couldn't just sit around and wait any longer.

When I got to Marco's door, Hunter was leaning on the wall. He was rubbing small circles on his temples and he looked annoyed. I frowned and walked over to him, he looked up as I came closer and quickly pushed himself off the wall and stood in between me and the door. Annoyance boiled in me straight away and I crossed my arms securely over my chest and gave him my best 'I'm-not-impressed' look.
"Kate, you okay?" He sounded nervous but his eyes showed so much concern I let it slide.
"Why are you standing outside Marco's door? I thought you were gonna talk to him." I questioned and jerked my chin towards the door, feeling a little confused.
"Oh I uh, I was. Him and Jono are just... Busy, right now." He said the last part a little irritably.
"Okay well, whether they're busy or not, I have to talk to Marco." I said and tried to step around Hunter, only to have him grab my hand and pull me away from the door.
"That's not a good idea." He said in a rush.
"Oh it isn't? Why's that?" I snarled aggressively. I had a scowl on my face and I tried to pull myself out of his grip but I got nowhere - instead he forcefully pushed me against the wall.
"KitKat, you need to trust me." He said softly as he kept me in place by pressing his body to mine.
"Trust you? You let him use me!" I cried and tried to push him away but he grabbed my wrists and pinned them to the wall above my head.
"It wasn't and still isn't my place to tell you." He begged, his eyes searching mine. I looked away though, turning my head and closing my eyes.
"But... You're suppose to love me..." I complained. My eyes started to water again and I felt like hitting myself for getting so emotional.
"KitKat, I do love you." He gently turned my face so I was looking at him. He leaned down and lightly brushed his lips against mine and when I didn't move away, he kissed me properly.
"If you love me, then let me go..." I said softly against his lips and I tasted the tears on our lips as they slipped down my face.
"Let you go?" Hunter asked sadly. I nodded but made no move to push him away from me, instead I lightly gripped his shirt. He kissed me hard one more time before pulling away and nodding.
"Just remember, that I love you so much, okay?" He said, the sadness in his voice pulled at my heart.
"Okay...I love you too." I said and bit my lip. He gave me a half-hearted smile and turned, walking away from me.

After a few seconds of getting myself together, I turned back to Marco's door. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door, when I got no reply I groaned and turned the door handle. My jaw dropped when I looked into the room - it explained everything that was going on and I guess it wasn't that surprising. I wasn't expecting it though. The sight I was met with was Jonathan and Marco, or more specifically, Jonathan on top of Marco. Both of them didn't have clothes on, but luckily the blankets covered their bottom halves. They were a little caught up in what they were doing and obviously didn't hear me come in. After I got over my shock, I turned and left the room, closing the door a little too loudly.

"Oh my God..." I breathed and leaned against the wall. I was still trying to piece everything together in my head. After a while Marco rushed out the room- fully clothed now but his hair gave away his previous activities- he looked at me apologetically and came over to me. It all made sense, I can't believe I was so blind to what was happening right in front of me.
"Kate?" Marco asked cautiously, putting his hands up and moving towards me as if I was a wild animal that might run away if he made any sudden movements.
"You're gay?" The question came out of my mouth before I could stop it, it also came out a lot harsher than I intended it to. Marco looked defeated, he sighed and looked at the ground, running a hand through his hair.
"I'm so sorry," He said softly, "I know you didn't deserve this. You deserved to be with someone that loved you... You deserved Hunter and I screwed that up for you guys." He looked up at me, eyes begging for forgiveness.
"You dated me so people wouldn't think you were gay?" I asked. I understood what was going on, I just didn't want to believe it. The things he was saying to me went in one ear and out the other. I was mad, I wanted to scream at him for lying to me.
"Yes... But hear me out, please." He begged and reached out, taking my hand in his. My first instinct was to pull away but he just held tighter. What is with these boys and grabbing my arm?
"How long?" I asked and he gave me a confused look so I rephrased, "How long have you been screwing Jonathan behind my back?" I spat, not thinking clearly.
"We've been together for 2 years..." He said softly.
"So you've cheated on him and all those girls during that time?" I pulled my hand away again and this time he let me.
"Jonathan understood... I couldn't tell the girls, they wouldn't understand." He pleaded with me. I shook my head. I still had so much I didn't understand.
"Why me? I'm not like any of the other girls you've dated... Why me?" I looked at the ground, tears forming in my eyes again.
"You're nice." He said simply. I looked up at him but he was staring off down the corridor, "I wanted someone that could also be my friend, someone I could have a conversation with." He looked at me.
"Oh." Was my only reply.
"Hunter knew, that's why he was so against me and you being together. He was never okay with the fact that I used girls to cover up who I am." He said sadly and looked at his hands, "It ruined our relationship. We were extremely close, I messed that up. Then I stole the girl that he loved- the girl he told me he loved." He shook his head. I didn't know what to say, he seemed so upset with himself.
"Marco, why would you try and cover up that you like guys?" I took a step towards him and placed my hand on his shoulder.
"People... People say things Kate." He looked at me, tears brimming his eyes, "God, I don't want to be like this!" The tears fell. My eyes went a little wide and I closed the gap between the two of us, pulling him into a hug. I should have been mad, but I understood why he did what he did. Marco wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly and buried his face in my neck as he cried and kept muttering, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Over and over again.

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