Chapter 23

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"Oh, come on!" Hunter whined and I threw popcorn at him, shaking my head and laughing at his puppydog eyes.
"No. That's ridiculous Hunter." I unwrapped a lollipop and pointed it at him, "We can't just go away for two days without telling anyone."
"Think about it this way; we've just finished school and you never go anywhere. Come on KitKat!" He nudged me, pouting a little.
"Hunter..." I scolded but a smile was threatening to pull my lips.
"It'll be fun and it's just two days." He bit his lip and when I hesitated he tackled me onto the bed, pinning me down.
"This is not fair." I frowned. He leaned down so his lips were right by my ear and just stayed there like that for a while.
"I will tickle you." He whispered, the feeling of his breath sending a shiver down my spine.
"You wouldn't!" I gasped.
"Oh but my precious little KitKat... I would." He said with an evil smirk and placed his hands on my sides.
"Hunter, don't you dare-" I squealed as he began to tickle me, laughing hysterically and gasping for air.
"I give! I give! We can go!" I tried to surrender through my laughter. Hunter stopped and looked down at me, a smug look on his face.
"See, that wasn't so hard." I rolled my eyes at him and he leaned down and kissed my cheek.
"This is why you told me to pack." I laughed and when he looked away, showing I was right, I smacked his arm and wrapped my legs around his waist.
"You are evil!" He fake gasped and lifted my body against his. Using it to my advantage, I flipped us so that I was on top of him. I did what he had done earlier, I leaned down and pressed my lips to his ear.
"My turn to torture you." I whispered and began to tickle him, he laughed but didn't fight me off like he easily could've. He took his punishment like a true gentleman, as he always did, letting me win. I loved him for it.

Hunter had finished putting our bags in the car and getting things ready for the trip.
"I'm just gonna go say goodbye to Marco." I called and he nodded. I walked to Marcos door, knocking. I heard a few rustling sounds and things moving then the door opened to reveal Marco's smiling face. I looked him over, raising my eyebrows at his bare chest and messy hair. He ran a hand through his hair and cleared his throat.
"You guys packed and ready?" He kept his body in the way of the door, I gave him a weird look but didn't say anything, I know he gets funny when his room is a mess.
"Yeah, just came to say goodbye." I gave him a small smile.
"I'll see you in two days." He put a hand on my lower back and pulled me into a kiss, it was soft and sweet but it also felt a little rushed.
"Alright, love you." I whispered when I pulled back a little.
"I love you too my Princess." He kissed me again then let me go. I waved and walked back to the car, a small smile pulling at my lips. This trip was going to be fun and it would give Marco some time to focus on other things.

"Ready to go?" Hunter opened the car door for me, I smiled and kissed his cheek before getting into the car. He got in and started the car, a smug smile on his face.
"What's with that look?" I raised an eyebrow.
"I got you to come with, miss I-don't-do-what-others-want" he teased.
"Oh shut up, where are we even going?" I asked, looking out the window as we drove.
"It's a surprise my little KitKat." He said, that smug look plastered on his face.

After about an hour of driving, I had fallen asleep. Hunter placed his jacket over me, trying to keep me warm. I snuggled under it, pulling my legs onto the seat and tucking them under me. I felt Hunter rest his hand on my leg, rubbing small circles on it. I smiled, waking up a bit but keeping my eyes closed. Hunter was busy singing a song softly - his voice was so deep and beautiful I nearly fell asleep again. He had a way of making me so calm and happy when he spoke or sang, he knew how to make me smile and I don't think I'd be able to live without him.
"Hunter...?" I questioned sleepily when he stopped singing.
"Mmm, you awake my KitKat?" He started rubbing circles on my leg again, I turned my face towards him but kept my eyes closed.
"Keep singing...I love your voice..." I yawned a little, drifting back off to sleep. Hunter chuckled a little but started singing again, I smiled, shifting so I was a little closer to him.

I felt myself being lifted out the car, strong arms carrying me bridal style, I groaned a little but let my head flop onto Hunters chest. He was trying his hardest not to wake me up, something he often did when I fell asleep in the car. He would carry me inside cause he wouldn't want to disturb my sleep. I lifted my arm so that it rested on Hunters shoulder and buried my face into his shirt, I had always liked the way Hunter smelled. He always had this vanilla scent that was slightly topped with the smell of cigarettes.
"Shh, it's okay..." Hunter cooed, kissing the top of my head.
"I'm awake you know." I smiled, keeping myself snuggled up against him.
"I know." I could sense his smirk so I looked up at him and, sure enough, there it was, gracing his features.
"But you still carry me?" It was my turn to smirk, he looked down at me, those blue eyes so full of love and warmth.
"I wouldn't think my precious little KitKat would want to walk as soon as she woke up." He said it in a mock-offended tone that made me laugh.
"Well, you're not wrong." I shrugged and rested my head on his shoulder, taking in our surroundings. Trees - lots and lots of trees. There was a wooden cabin in front of us and Hunter was making his way up the stairs to the door.
"Oh wow..." I breathed, it looked absolutely beautiful here.
"See, it's nice." Hunter teased and put me down so he could open the door. The inside was even more breathtaking than the view outside - the whole place had a homey feel to it but at the same time looked like it had cost a lot of money. There was a TV above the fireplace and a staircase that lead up to, what I assumed, were the rooms. The kitchen had marble counter tops and looked rather fancy.
"What is this place?" I asked as I walked around the cabin.
"Just something my parents got for Marco and me, it's a when-you-need-a-break getaway place." He smiled and watched me in my awe of the cabin.
"It's beautiful."
"You're beautiful." He said seriously and I looked at him confused. He must've realized what he said cause his eyes went wide and he shook his head.
"I mean- yes, it's very nice here. I wanted to do something special for you." He said quickly and I laughed, walking over and wrapping my arms around his neck.
"It's perfect!" I beamed as I hugged him.

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