Chapter 12

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Hunter and I just stood there awkwardly looking at each other, I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze and fiddled with my hands. Marco cleared his throat after a while, taking a step towards me.
"Hunter what are you doing here?" He sounded confused and raised both brows at Hunter, placing a hand on my lower back. Come to think of it, Marco and I were outside my house. Why was Hunter here?
"I uh, I came to talk to Kate..." He looked in between Marco and me, "but I see I was interrupting something." His face was expressionless, his voice was like a dagger but his eyes- those brilliant blue eyes- looked so sad.
I looked at my feet, "What... Uh, what did you wanna talk about?" He didn't look at me, he looked at Marco. A terrible snarl on his lips.
"I wanted to talk to Kate. Alone." He said the words plainly but an underlying tint of hate clouded them.
Marco shrugged, "Alright, I was just about to leave anyways" he turned to me and pulled me into a short but passionate kiss. I could feel Hunters eyes burning holes in the back of Marco's head. When Marco finally let me go I was breathless and blushing an awful shade of red.
"See you tomorrow, Princess" he winked at me before walking past Hunter and "accidentally" bumping his shoulder- hard. I sighed and looked at my feet until Marco was out of sight, when I looked up at Hunter he was looking down at me with sad eyes, a slight smile tugged at his lips.
"Do you wanna come inside and we can talk?" I gave him a small smile and held my hand out, after a slight hesitation he took my hand and we walked into the house.

"Hunter I-" I was cut off by Hunter pulling me into a tight hug.
"My precious little KitKat..." He ran a hand up and down my back in a calming way, I leaned heavily against him and sighed.
"You're not mad?" I asked him, my hand going up to his chest and gripping his shirt so he wouldn't pull away from me. I felt him shake his head and kiss the top of my head, his strong arms held me tightly against his body.
"I shouldn't have been mad in the first place. I love you Kate. I'm always gonna be here to support your decisions!" He gave me a quick squeeze. "I may not like the fact that you're happy with my brother but I do like the fact that you're happy. So I'm going to deal with it" I pulled away from his arms and looked up at him, his kind eyes looking back at me. I was so lucky to have him in my life.
"You really mean that?" I asked, my lips turning upwards. He bent down a bit and kissed my forehead.
"I just want you to be happy." His words made my heart melt. My best friend wasn't mad at me!
"I am. I know it must be weird for you but Marco actually does make me happy, Hun" I gave him the most reassuring smile I could.
"You trust him?"
"I do" Hunter shifted uncomfortably but nodded.
"Do you wanna stay the night? Cuddle a bit?" I nudged him, he smiled at me.
"Won't your brothers kill me?" He gave me a cocky smirk, I laughed and shrugged.
"Maybe, but I want my best friend tonight." I pouted at him and batted my eyelashes, he rolled his eyes but laughed at my attempt of a puppy dog face.
"Of course I'm gonna stay, go get into your pajamas you nutball!" He kissed my cheek and shoved me in the direction of my closet. I couldn't stop smiling as I pulled my pajamas out. I tied the mess of my blue and purple hair into a loose ponytail and groaned at my reflection. Crawling into bed next to Hunter, I sighed and relaxed into his arms.

Being cuddled up against Hunter felt so right, our bodies fit so perfectly with one another. It was early and I wasn't sure why I was awake at this time of morning, but I didn't move or make any sound. I just lay there and enjoyed the feeling of being safely in Hunters arms. I thought about the events that occurred yesterday; my kiss with Marco, the fact that he was my boyfriend. My heart raced at the thought of him. I smiled to myself. I couldn't believe everything that happened in the past year; I met my best friend, I'm in my last year of school, I started dating my best friends brother...
I rolled over to face Hunter, he groaned a bit and pulled me so I was pressed up to his body and he rested his chin on my head. I snuggled against him and waited for him to wake up. My thoughts not allowing me to fall back to sleep right away but making me smile as I looked at Hunters sleeping face.

After a while I had fallen asleep but was awoken by being knocked out the bed and landing on my butt. I groaned and wiped at my eyes sleepily. I heard another thud and some sort of growl, I opened my eyes properly to see Jared had Hunter by the shirt and pressed up against the wall.
"This is getting old, Jared" Hunter sighed.
"Jared! Seriously, stop!" I complained and tried to get his hand off Hunter, "how many times are you going to do this?" I whined at him.
"How many times is this punk gonna sleep in your bed?" He shot at me but let go of Hunter, who leaned causally on the wall looking unfazed. Jared scoffed at him, he turned to me.
"Can't you get a boyfriend with a little more respect?" He snarled
"Hunter isn't my boyfriend." I stated and heard Hunter mutter something that wasn't audible.
"She's dating my brother, Marco. So don't worry about it." he finally said after an awkward silence fell over the room. Jared quirked an eyebrow at me.
"Marco Smith? As in the Marco Smith?" He looked honestly shocked. I rolled my eyes at him.
"Yes, Marco Smith" I looked at him challengingly.
"Wow, how'd you manage to get that right?" He asked me, "I mean, the guy is amazing!" I raised my brows at him. Did he really just say that?
"What even?" I asked him, confused as to way it was such a big deal. Marco was really good at sports and everyone liked him- I mean he's a likable guy! He had gotten a scholarship to a university due to his athletic ability and a lot of people idolized him, but I just saw Marco; that goofy and sweet guy that takes me out for lunch.
"Nothing... Alright well, good on you Brat!" He ruffled my hair and pushed Hunter into the wall as he left the room. I looked after him, a scowl on my face. Hunter sighed, "The great Marco Smith!" He looked at me and gave me a sad smile.
"Hunter..." I took his hand but he jerked it away and shook his head.
"Why does everyone love him?"
"He's just a likable person." I said and seeing that it only made his face drop more I said, "My brother is just an idiot that thinks Marco has talent..."
"Him and everyone else...." Hunter muttered, I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Just go get ready" he sighed and removed my arms. I pouted at him and bit my lip. However, I did as I was told and got ready for the day.

I spent the entire day with Hunter, we went shopping; which both of us hated - don't ask. We basically made fun of all the clothes people wear these days and eventually I bought a nice black shirt with a skull on it. I made Hunter buy a similar shirt cause I thought it would be fun and the shirt looked nice on him.
Hunter intertwined our fingers so that our tattoos lined up and I smiled. We walked around like that for a while, the whole time joking around and bumping each other.
"Let's get another one" Hunter suddenly said.
"Let's get another tattoo" he lifted our intertwined hands. I laughed and shook my head.
"We can't just get another one! What would we even get?" I titled my head at him, giving him a scolding mom look. He laughed at me and shrugged.
"It was just a thought..." He squeezed my hand. I laughed and bumped his shoulder.
"Let's think of a design" I said and he eyes widened in excitement.
"Really?" He was practically bouncing.
"Yeah, why not?" I laughed at his goofy expression. The thought of getting another tattoo with Hunter made my entire body tingle, tattoos were just our thing, the thing that showed we cared. Permanent but I guess that's what made them better. We stopped at a café and started talking about ideas.

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