Chapter 16

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"Hey my little KitKat," Hunters voice was full of confidence and made me smile.
"Hey, what are you doing today?" I asked, already having an idea what his answer was.
"Well I just got in the car, on my way to your place...Why?" There it is! I laughed at how calm and innocent his voice was.
"I was just making sure." I said and could feel his smirk through the phone.
"See you in 5 KitKat, love you" he said.
"Love you too." I hung up and waited for Hunter, I could see the boys playing basketball from my room. I sighed and leaned on the wall, checking my phone for the time again. When Hunters car pulled up I quickly ran downstairs, excitement filling me as I hadn't seen my best friend in a while.

I opened the door and was met with 4 boys staring each other down. I slowly walked up to them, my brothers and Marco kept glaring daggers at Hunter but as soon he saw me, his face went from pissed off to smiling.
"My precious little KitKat!" He pulled me into a hug, lifting me off my feet and spinning me around. I held onto him tightly, unable to stop the squeal followed by giggles from escaping my mouth. When he put me down, we just stood smiling at each other until one of the other boys cleared their throat rather impatiently. I turned around to see Marco looking a little annoyed and Jared and Mark looking super irritated with me. Hunter kept a hand on my lower back and stood close to me, clearly ready to fight my brothers if they had something to say. However he avoided Marco's gaze altogether, I raised my brow at everyone.
"Why's Hunter here?" Mark said after a while of silence.
"Uh..." I frowned, "He's my best friend...?"
"You have Marco here." Jared snarled at me, Marco finally looked away from me and Hunter.
"Um, Marco is spending time with you guys." I pointed out but then quickly added, "not that I mind it at all!" I saw Marco relax a bit.
"Look, I haven't seen my beautiful best friend in a while and I missed her, so here I am." Hunter gave a cocky smirk towards my brothers and shrugged. I felt my cheeks go a bit red.
"We should uh... Go inside." I said and started walking. Hunter put with arm around me which earned a scoff from Marco.
"Problem, Marco?" Hunter stopped walking and threw a cocky smirk over his shoulder and towards his brother, who's jaw clenched.
"Yea, stop acting like Kate's your girlfriend! She's not, cause incase you forgot, she's mine." He's voice was dripping with anger. I felt Hunter tense next to me.
"Hunter..." I warned in a low voice, he looked at me with sad eyes and mouthed 'I'm sorry' before dropping his arm and turning to Marco.
"Do you really want to go there, Marco?" Hunters eyes blazed with irritation and pure hatred. Marco quickly advanced on Hunter, grabbing his shirt.
"Don't you think you're gonna do that." He growled, "You know how this works Hunter." Confusion was obviously also taking over my brothers as well as me. They were staring, mouths gaping at the two boys.
"You know I think you're full of shit. You don't deserve her!" Hunter was getting more worked up, I was starting to get scared of what was going to happen.
"Oh, and you do?" Marco said cruelly as he smirked, when Hunter just looked at him he let go, looking smug. Hunter physically shook himself, trying to calm down and he turned to me. His eyes were full of regret and I knew what he was going to do. Marco was still looking at Hunter but wasn't expecting it when Hunter turned around and punched him square in the jaw. I gasped, Marco was holding his jaw. He laughed and threw his punch at Hunter, who stumbled and glared before going at Marco again. I ran up to them, grabbing Hunters arm before he hit Marco again but it only resulted in Marco punching Hunter. Hunter shook me off, I lost my footing and fell to the ground.
"Ow, dammit that's enough!" I yelled and my brothers pulled Marco and Hunter off each other. When they had finally calmed down, Marco looked over at me and his face of anger fell into one of sadness and regret. Hunter pushed Jared off him and quickly came over to me.
"Kate, I'm so sorry..." He tried to help me up but I slapped his hands away.
"Don't even think about touching me!" I looked between Hunter and Marco, "either of you." Hunter backed away slowly, knowing I needed my space. Jared helped me up and moved me behind him so he was between me and my best friend and my boyfriend, who both looked like guilty puppies.
"I think maybe you guys should go." Mark came to stand next to me, "I know you guys didn't mean it, but Kate could've gotten hurt."
"I'm so sorry, Kate." Marco said and started walking to his car. Hunter looked at me, I looked away and he left as well muttering that he was sorry and that he loved me. I walked back into the house and ran up to my room, ignoring my brothers shouts of concern that echoed after me. Locking the door, I felt my legs give up and I fell to the floor, resting my head on the door. I realized I was crying as wet patches formed on the floor. I didn't even know how I was feeling; angry? Sad? No, I knew, I was heartbroken. I had had faith in both of them and I was gravely disappointed.

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