Chapter 2

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The girls burst into laughter. Jade - who was ultimately their 'leader' - drilled me with her eyes while her mouth formed a smile so any of the teachers passing by would think it was just friends talking. The thought made me mentally strangle the life out of her basic ass, she was probably the most typically basic girl I knew: blonde hair, blue eyes, tanned skin, way too much makeup and a completely fake personality! Her side-kicks consisted of a caramel colored girl named Nina who had big brown eyes and long black hair and a pale black haired girl with deep brown eyes and a super sweet smile - the kind of sweet that made your teeth hurt and your stomach feel sick! - her name was Abby.
"Kate, maybe do us a favor, yeah?" Jade smiled and put a hand on my shoulder, "Kill yourself." Her face went expressionless for a second, then she winked and her and her minions twitched off. I sighed and got my books. I never let her get to me because seriously, as if I care what she, or anyone else for that matter, thinks. Okay, well maybe a little but I shook it off, it's not like I was actually going to do what they told me and for me, there's nothing worse than acting like a victim. Like I have said a million times before, I hate people, so what they say means nothing to me, Jade means nothing to me! Never has and never will, it's just how things are. You get people that want to tear you down and will stop at nothing to do it. You have the choice of letting it get to you or letting it go. Earphones still plugged in, I made my way to art class - my other escape from this God awful world.

I sat down and took out my sketch pad. I continued working on my drawing of a skull covered with flowers, the entire artwork was done with pen; the skull was black and white and the flowers varied in color. I would like to think I'm good at art, my teacher says I'm amazing but for me that doesn't mean much. There were only a few people in this class, so it was by far my favorite class as we each got a big working space.
"We have a new student joining us today!" My teacher, Mrs Matthews, said cheerfully. I on the other hand wanted to puke, 'Why? Why do we always get more people!' I thought and resisted the urge to scream.
"His name is Hunter Smith." she smiled over at the tall boy standing next to her who had an easy smile on his face - I heard multiple sighs from the girls around me. He had pitch black hair that was shaved on one side so it hung completely over his face on the other side, his eyes were a piercing blue and he was dressed in worn black jeans, a black top, a black leather jacket and black boots. His sexy lip ring caught my attention straight away and so did the multiple tattoos and badass look. Okay, so he was hot. Like really hot! He started walking over to the seat next to me, which made my heart do a weird little jump as he sat down. There were so many other seats open so, what the hell? I could feel all the girls sending me dirty looks and I shifted in my seat.
"Hey, that's pretty." He jerked his chin in the direction of my art work, his voice was low and rough; it made the hair on my arms stand up and sent shivers down my spine- this was weird. Normally I wasn't so attracted to people... I muttered a "Thanks." to him and turned away feeling a little flustered. What was that? His voice, his look, just him! He was so different but he fit in so well in my little world, like he was the one thing I had been waiting for that actually fits in with me. Wait...what? My mind was screaming at me and my body was all too aware of Hunter's presence next to me.

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